Thursday, September 17, 2009

Carter Stands Firm

Gotta love Jimmy Earl. He will not back down in the face of criticism over his belief that a "fringe" element of the teabaggers are racist. The teabagger movement refuses to identify and drive out this fringe element. Instead they are embraced.

White backlash is nothing new. When slaves escaped the south for freedom in the north, fugitive slave acts were passed, returning slaves and freedmen alike to bondage in the south. When slaves were freed and given the right to vote, Jim Crow and segregation laws, poll taxes, and Grandfather Clauses were enacted to appease the racists and disenfranchise the black citizens. When Civil Rights legislation was passed in 1964, all major African American leaders were killed or imprisoned by 1968 and a right wing racist elected President. Now that an African American has been elected President, the racists have taken to the streets. Their teabagger protest in Washington on 9/12 resembled a Klan rally. The only thing missing were the white robes and burning cross.

Carter remembers these times. He does not wish to repeat the failings of the pass. We MUST support him as the racists attempt to discredit him. Where in the fuck are Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson? They should be standing shoulder to shoulder with Jimmy Carter right now. It is becoming increasingly obvious that they are self-serving, ego maniacal sellouts only interested in issues that will enhance their own status.

Carter is right. We must repudiate the racists whereever we see them. Expose them for who they are by asking serious questions about their motives. Shouting them down when they issue racists statements. Kick their asses.

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