Monday, September 28, 2009

What Obama Must Do About Iran

US Intelligence revealed a new Iranian nuclear plant under construction near Qom and Iran conducted further short range missle tests in defiance of Western powers. Now the Right wingers are demanding that Obama do something about the rogue regime. But, what to do?

Why must WE do anything? Obama must ask these fundamental questions before raising the stakes with a country we should have no quarrel.

First. Why do we care if Iran has a nuclear plant. Even if they built a bomb, the United States Of America remains the only country that has ever used an atomic bomb. India has a bomb, so Pakistan felt compeled to have one to preserve the balance of power. Israel has nuclear weapons, yet no country demands inspections or complains that they have nuclear power. If Iran is developing nuclear weapons they could only be used against Israel with the short range missles they have developed. They would be used to maintain a balance of power in the region as Israel now has the ability to annihilate any Islamic country without retribution.

Second. Why do we hate the Iranians? Sure they kept our countrymen hostage for a year 25 years ago, but nobody got killed. If Jimmy Carter hadn't been such a dumbass and let the Shah in the country, none of this ever would have happened. I say let bygones be bygones. The Shah is dead, we are sorry for overthrowing your government and putting him in in the first place. Let's move on.

Third. Why do we give a fuck about Israel. We have no national interests there. They are hated in the region because of their policies with regard to the Palestianians, and they have no oil. Why not let them fend for themselves. The missles in Iran could never reach us. They must only be aimed at Israel. Obama should ask why he gives a shit. Let Israel defend itself.

Fourth. Who died and made us King of the Planet. Only we get to decide who gets what kind of power? Once the nuclear Genie was let out, he was free to roam the world. Now we can't get him back in.

Just a few of the questions Obama should ask before imposing sanctions or letting Israel bomb the nuclear plants and starting WWIII.

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