Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Scarborough Scoffs At Hazing At Embassy

Add Joe Scarborough to the list of contenders for Asshole of the Year by justifying hazing by contract employees employed by the State Department to guard the American embassy in Kabul. The guards are pictured drinking liquor off each others asses, eating potato chips out of each others assholes, dancing naked, and other forms of debauchery.

This story is so fantastic it almost appears normal considering what went on in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay. God, if they engage in that type of behavior with each other, how the hell are prisoners treated?

It seems that every instance of hazing or torture involves some homosexual reference. What's up with that? Ass pyramids, simulated gay sex acts, eating chips out of someones ass! What the fuck? This from a country with don't ask don't tell and no gay marriage. How could gay people represent the country any worse than these dickheads?

If there is one thing to be thankful for, it's that no African-Americans have been involved so far. But, the actions of these assholes and Joe Scarborough are shameful. How does he manage to stay on the air. These are obviously activities that he has engaged in, therefore, he is not alarmed by them. In all the wars this country has ever fought why is it that no pictures have surfaced like this before? Who would want to work for any organization that engaged in this type of behavior unless they were perverted? Is Joe saying this type of thing is permitted at MSNBC? Even his conservative co-host was shocked by his attitude.

Now that the world's biggest prude is on the case, look for heads to roll and shit to fly. What the hell was the ambassador doing while this was going on? How much money are we paying these assholes to drink and party? Who the fuck is in charge? How much is a hooker in Kabul? Lots of questions to be answered here.

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