Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Obama Calls Kanye "Jackass"

Jackass is being generous. Moron is more like it. I knew it wouldn't take long to compare Kanye to Joe Wilson. The White folks think wer'e even now. One Jackass is Black, the other White. See, we all can be jackasses.

Why the press reported this is obvious. It is not only an attempt to make Kanye look bad, as if he could look any worse, and make the President appear stupid if at all possible. Why report something said off the record unless it is meant to embarass someone.

Joe Wilson is a racist Jackass. Kanye is a stupid jackass. Major difference. Now the press will make a big deal out of the fact that the President called another Black man a jackass. Sometimes you have to call a a spade a spade.

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