Monday, September 28, 2009

Youth Beat To Death In Chicago

The only reason this is news is because it was caught on tape. Now the media has video evidence that brutal Black gangs roam the streets of Chicago, beating innocent victims to death without remorse. Mothers greiving, Councilwomen seething, youths bleeding. It happens every day.

Somewhere Willie Lynch is smiling.

You remember Willie Lynch. The White plantation owner from the West Indies, sent here in 1617 to teach the Whites how to control the slaves for 1,000 years. He emphasized playing up the minor differences within the race, magnifying them, and using them to pit one group against another. By raping the women and making their children slaves, "light skinned" negroes were produced. They were told they were better than "dark skinned" Negroes, hell, they may even pass for White on a really dark night. This created resentment and conflict within the race which still exists today. Field Negroes were pitted against "house" Negroes. Servants against farm hands. Cotton pickers against blacksmiths. Keeping the race divided meant that they could never unite to fight a common enemy.

Black communities are still divided today. They are divided street by street. Block by block. Struggling for limited jobs, money, and resources. They have convinced themselves that they are better than the people on the next block because they are Crips, Bloods, Disciples, Vicelords,or El-Rukun. Instead of banning together with the people on the next block, and the next, and the next for the common good, we fight amongst ourselves for the crumbs the White man gives us. Those crumbs are guns, alcohol, and drugs not factories, schools and hospitals. After 500 years in this country we remain a race unable to produce anything except misery. Everything we buy, except Ebony magazine and a few hair care products, are produced by other races for our consumption.

Instead of fighting with each other for no reason, imagine if the gangs all got together and pooled their resources. Made a vow not to fight over drug territory. Sold drugs only to white customers. Used drug profits to create businesses and banks. Bought off local politicians and got better schools and living conditions. Started a car plant to make green vehicles. Instead, they waste billions of ill gotten gains only to die on the street or waste away in prison.

Sounds like the mafia. It is, and it's exactly what all other races have done to get ahead in this country. During prohibition the Irish, Italian, and Jewish mafias used illegal whiskey distribution as a springboard for political, business, and criminal dynasties that exist today. There is very little violence within their communities as their criminal activity is funneled towards Black and Hispanic communities. Asian gangs were prevalent during the mid 1800's and exist today. They provided financing and protection to immigrants to start businesses. Russian gangs are becoming prevalent in America as more people immigrate.

One thing they have in common is that they rarely fight amongst themselves. Only Black and Hispanic gangs do that. Why? Ask Willie Lynch.

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