Tuesday, September 29, 2009

U.N. Report Accuses Israel Of War Crimes

In a story getting no attention from the major networks and print media, the U.N Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict accused Israel of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity during its military offensive in Gaza last winter.

Richard Goldstone, the South African Judge who headed the U.N. investigation, demanded that someone be held responsible for crimes committed during the conflict. He formally presented the report to the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland on Tuesday.

"the lack of accountability for war crimes and possible crimes against humanity has reached a crisis point" Golstone said. "This is the time for action".

Israel refused to cooperate with the investigation, but rejected the report as one-sided and shameful.

The report claims that the Israeli Defense Forces "failed to take feasible precautions required by international law to avoid or minimize loss of civilian life, injury to civilians and damage to civilian objects."

The U.N. report said Israel fired the chemical agent white phosphorus in civilian areas, intentionally fired upon hospitals using high explosive artillery shells, and failed to provide effective warnings to civilians or U.N. personnel before attacks, all which can be war crimes.

Where is the outcry from the United States government? Didn't we hang Saddam Husein for crimes against humanity, using chemical weapons against his own people? Where is the no fly zone, embargo, and cut off of diplomatic relations? Where is the war crimes tribunal?

We have kissed the ass of Israel for far too long. Why should we continue to count war criminals as friends and indigenous people as enemies? Why continue to stand behind liars and killers?

It is because we worship a Jewish savior. Israel is a Jewish state and we worship a Jew, therefore, they can do no wrong. Not one word from Obama, Biden, or Clinton about the report.

The U.S Representative to the U.N. Human Rights Council, Assistant Sec. of State Michael Posner, said some of the recommendations in the report were "deeply flawed" and called for Israel and Palestinian authorities to be allowed to finish conducting their own investigations before passing judgement. In other words, let Israel sweep it under the rug and deny accountability. The Palestinians have nothing to investigate and have no means to enforce justice.

Again the U.S has shown a severe bias towards Israel, even when guilty of war crimes. No wonder the Arabs hate us. We stand idly by as hospitals are bombed, leaders assassinated, and infrastructure destroyed in Palestine, yet scream bloody murder when an Arab woman is required to wear a burqua.

The Arab nations in the area should do everything within their power to defend themselves against Israel. They have proved that they will invade, bomb, murder, divide, or commit criminal acts to preserve their regime. The U.S. and Western powers will take no action to hold them accountable as they are worshiped on Sunday.

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