Sunday, September 13, 2009

Tea Baggers Rally for Racism

The racists are now disguising themselves as patriots. These are the idiots Obama is trying to appease. People who don't like him because he is Black, pure and simple.

Notice, no Blacks or Hispanics in the crowd. Only mad rednecks. People so uneducated they don't know the meaning of the words socialism, facism, or marxism. They do know a nigger when they see one, so label him anything except that. Half of the idiots in the crowd probably don't even have health care, or would certainly lose it if a catastrophic illness were to occur. The only real reason for the protest is racism. If more media sources would simply state the fact, the debate would move along. Ask the next idiot teabagger they interview if he/she has health insurance. If they are a veteran or over 65 kindly remind them that they have government run healthcare now and that they are being assholes by trying to prevent others from having it.

Obama is now finding out what Blacks have known all along. He has to be twice as good as any President that has ever served just to get half the respect. He must quit trying to appease the racists. He can't turn completely white no matter what. Start kicking ass and taking names. He has absoultely nothing to lose.

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