Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Native Americans Ask Supreme Court If "Redskins" Offends

A group of Native Americans who find the Washington Redskins name offensive have asked the Supreme Court to review a lower court decision that favored the team on a legal technicality.

Seven Native Americans have been working through the court system since 1992 to have the Redskins trademark declared invalid. The U.S Patent and Trademark Office ruled in their favor in 1999. Since then they were handed a series of defeats from White judges who ruled that the plaintiffs waited too long to bring their suit in the first place.

Daniel Snyder, the current owner of the NFL team is a racist asshole. He had every opportunity to change the name when he bought the team, but he has no desire to. He is not alone. Ted Turner, former owner of the Atlanta Braves, The Cleveland Indians, and the Kansas City Chiefs are other professional sports teams that defame Native people. The list of college and high school teams is far longer. No other race of people is demeaned as a mascot by another race of people in this nation. Native Americans are placed on the same level as Timberwolves, Cardinals, White Sox, and Blue Jays. Their rituals and religions are openly mocked by huge crowds of morons.

African and Hispanic people must join the Native people in their just cause. Black athletes should refuse to play for teams with names that demean Native people. If one team named itself the Nashville Niggers, the Spokane Spooks, the Huntsville Honkys, the Jacksonville Jews, or the Russelville Rednecks, the outrage would be immediate. Why? Because there are millions of Blacks, Hispanics, Whites and Jews. The Native people have been reduced to a few , and the rest are here for entertainment purposes. Shameful. Disgraceful. A boycott of these teams by like minded individuals would have an immediate and chilling effect on the sports world. My son or daughter will never play for any team that demeans a people. They will never attend a school with a Native American as a mascot.

Yes Redskins is offensive. So is Nigger. So is Honky. So is Spic. Why would any sane individual wear a shirt or cap with the most racist term imaginable on it. Time to wise up.

1 comment:

  1. When I hear people use "off the reservation" I get a little pissed, but no one seems to realize its true meaning.
