Monday, November 2, 2009

Walmart Scuffle Leads To Charges Of Racism

Stand up for your rights or ask for your change and get 15 years in prison.

Kinda reminds me of an incident that happened to my father.

Back in the mid-60's, our family stopped at a Big Boy Restaurant to eat. After getting the food, my father counted his change and found that he was $10 short. He asked that the cashier check to see if he had recieved all of his change, she angrily asked that he pull into the parking lot while she got the manager. As my father was recounting his change, the White manager walked out, accompanied by two police officers, hands on their guns.

My father discovered that his change was correct, apologized, and we left. The cops looked dissapointed.

Similar to what happened to this sister. Who gives a shit if she cut line at Walmart. Sometimes the lines are not well defined and stragglers jump in and out all the time. She did not deserve to be followed by police. She defended herself and was arrested for sassing the cops, just like Louis Gates. Now she is looking at 15 years for being a strong Black woman.

Who is Sunny Hostin? Did she forget she was Black when she became a prosecutor? Why is she defending racist cops and Walmart? I guess she has never been the victim of racial discrimination. To tell someone not to stand up for their rights, to watch their mouth, and permit racists to abuse you is akin to modern day slavery. This bitch should be ashamed. (I only call women bitches who deserve it.)

This is why the Black Panthers were necessary. They helped defend innocent Black people against police brutality and racism. Now we depend on the ACLU and the NAACP who's heads are firmly stuck up their asses. No protests have taken place, no investigation of the pigs, only charges for a Black woman who stood up for herself.

This proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is no longer a civil rights movement in the United States. Whites believe racism no longer exists and minorities believe there is no justice, so why bother.

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