Friday, November 6, 2009

Shootout At Fort Hood

Muslims attacked America again yesterday, this time from within. This time a Major in the Army strolled onto the base with two handguns and proceeded to shoot 43 people, before he was shot by police.

First, my sincere condolences to the families of the victims of this horrible massacre. Those poor soldiers were merely doing their duty as they saw it. Victims of someone elses bad decision. Defenseless. Kinda like the family shot up in a car while approaching a checkpoint in Iraq. Or bombed while at a wedding in Afghanistan. Senseless.

I am actually surprised more attacks haven't occurred. There are millions of Muslims in the United States. None are pleased with our actions in Iraq and Afghanistan or our unyielding support for Israel. Yet, we persist in policies that alienate a large portion of our population.

If the United States invaded Mexico, there would be Mexicans here that would refuse to fight, and revolt if necessary. African-Americans would certainly think twice about fighting an African country. (Somalia was declared a humanitarian mission, until we got there.) What Italian-American would sign up to shoot Italians.

America prides itself on being a melting pot with all races and religions respected. In reality, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and African religions are viewed as pagan cults. Native religions are openly mocked at half time at major sporting events. Only Christians are going to heaven, and maybe a few Jews who are lucky enough to convert.

Now Muslims throughout America will see what real discrimination is like. The Japanese were locked up in concentration camps though no Japanese American had attacked anyone. Look for increased surveillance, wiretaps, and arrests of anyone even suspected of sympathizing with "terrorist" organizations. Excuses will be made to discharge certain individuals from Military service. The Klan will stage marches. Businesses targeted.

America may be a melting pot, but what happens when you suspect some ingredients are rotten?

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