Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Supreme Court Rejects Appeal Of Redskins Trademark

The Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal by native groups calling the Washington redskin's trademark "disparaging.

At issue was whether the plaintiffs were decades too late in filing the lawsuit, or whether the trademark should have been denied years ago since "redskins" is as offensive today as it was 500 years ago, a racial epithet that brings native people into "contempt, ridicule, and disrepute."

The justices without comment refused to intervene in the dispute ending the suit.

The team said it has spent "millions of dollars promoting, advertising, and protecting it's mark."

This ruling, or lack there of, really shows the true colors of our so called legal system. An entire race of people can be openly disparaged in front of millions of people simply because they were too late in complaining? Native people have been complaining, conceding, and fighting for over 500 years. to use a legal technicality to deny people basic human dignity is so shameful, ignorant, and bigoted the people making the decision have no business calling themselves human, let alone judges.

The media is no better. No lead stories, 30 second blurbs, or even a mention of this historic decision. Just more news about a dimwitted ex-Governor with the IQ of a moron who dictated a book that makes no sense.

Without publicity there can be no public outrage. Thanks media.

For all the idiots, racists, and assholes who believe the Native people are being overly sensitive, take this test. Walk up to the next Native American you see and call him/her a redskin and see what happens. As they beat the shit out of you, kindly explain that you were honoring them with a term of endearment and meant no disrespect. If you survive, or happen to meet an ignorant dufus, approach a Black person and call them nigger, a Hispanic person and call them (take your choice spic, beaner, wetback.) I will take odds in Vegas that you won't survive more than one hour. All of the judges should take this exercise.

I guess H. Rap Brown was right. A Black or Hispanic Supreme Court Justice makes no difference. They become part of the system that created them.

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