Monday, November 30, 2009

The Hunt For Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods got his nigger wake up call this week after a traffic accident in his own neighborhood. The press and police are relentlessly hounding him for more information. Insinuating that drugs, alcohol, and a domestic dispute were involved, although no evidence points to either case. He is being denigrated for not speaking with police, although no one was injured except Tiger, a tree, and a fire hydrant.

Being married to a white woman, living in an exclusive neighborhood, and becoming the first billion dollar athlete is no insulation from the white media that will go to any lengths to bring him down. As Stevie Wonder says, "you might have the cash, but you can not cash in your face."

Two State Police cars were sent to interview Woods at his Isleworth home. One to question him and one to arrest him. Both looking to become famous. Although he is under no legal obligation to speak with them he is being raked over the coals by the media, attempting to manufacture a story where none exists.

Why? To bring the man down of course.

Ask yourself if this would happen to Jack Nickalus, Arnold Palmer, or even Phil Mickleson. John Daley gets drunk at tournaments and passes out in parking lots, yet he is beloved by the media. Instead of sending him get well cards and inquiring about his health, they print pictures of restaurant hostesses and claim he is sleeping around. Instead of honoring his request for privacy, they camp out across the street from his neighborhood and question the neighbors. Constantly asking why he won't talk to them. What a crock of shit.

Tiger released a statement, but of course the media blew it off as nonsense. The police are now attempting to look at his medical records just so they can release them to the media to further embarrass the man, since they can't charge him with a crime.

I live approximately six miles from Tiger, and this is no surprise. The same State Troopers persecuting him are the ones that attempted to prosecute Wesley Snipes about ten years ago. They sent a small bag of marijuana all the way to the FBI lab in DC to check for fingerprints in a unsuccessful attempt to charge him with drug possession after a traffic stop. Racist Pigs!

Tiger has been a model citizen. He gives to charity, attends local sporting events, and pays enormous taxes. He deserves the same privacy afforded any citizen. It's bad enough that he was injured, now they want to find an excuse to jail him. They will not let up until he makes a formal statement that they can then attempt to verify or discredit in an attempt to cost him endorsements at the very least.

Tiger should only look to OJ and Michael Jackson for examples of what happens to famous black men who try to walk in the white world. He should take this opportunity to rejoin the race he belongs to. We have your back. The whites do not.

He should issue one more statement that simply says "leave me the fuck alone!

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