Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Top Ten Native American Freedom Fighters

Before anyone gets upset, this is MY list. These are the Freedom Fighters I admired growing up. They inspired me. They epitomized courage and sacrifice. All were true warriors.

10). Woqini or Woo-ka-nay (Roman Nose)- (ca. 1835-1868) Northern Cheyenne

9). Mahpiya Lu'ta (Red Cloud)-(ca. 1822- Dec 10,1909) Oglala Lakota

8). Metacom (King Phillip)- (ca. 1638- August 1676) Wampanoag

7). Hin-mah-too-yah-lat-kekt(Chief Joseph)-(March 3,1840-Sept.21,1904)
Nez Perce

6). Osceola (ca. 1804-Jan. 20, 1838) Muscogee

5). Goyaale'(Geronimo)- (June 16, 1829-Feb. 17,1909)Chiricahua Apache

4). Tecumtha (Tecumseh)- (March 1768-Oct. 5, 1813) Shawnee

3). K'uu-ch'ish (Cochise)- (ca. 1815-June 8, 1874) Chokonen
Chiricahua Apache

2). Thatha'nke Iyoyake (Sitting Bull)- (ca. 1831- Dec. 15, 1890)
Hunkpapa Lakota

1). Thasunke Witko (Crazy Horse)- (ca. 1840-1877) Oglala Lakota

This is just my list. There are hundreds of other warriors who deserve to be listed here, but, these are the charter members of the RealFreedomFighters Hall of Fame. Lest we forget.