Monday, November 23, 2009

Black "Indians"- A Secret History

There are many similarities between African and native people.

Both believed in a spirit world, not organized religion. Both valued the earth and all the creatures in it. Both celebrated, prayed, and sought community through the dance and song. Both sought harmony with the world, not conquest.

Many people are unaware that some of the most famous "Americans" in history were Black Indians. Crispus Attucks, the first man to die for the freedom of this country was a Black Indian. So was Cherokee Bill, who made Billy the Kid look like a school boy.

Our history and culture are united by our treatment in this country. Our cultures were seperated in the same way we were seperated from white culture through Jim Crow laws, segregation, poverty, and disenfranchisement.

No matter what, this bond must be made strong.

There is only one thing I fail to understand abut our Native brothers and sisters. Why do they listen to country music? It sucks.

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