Thursday, November 19, 2009

U.S. Dissaproves Of Expansion Of Jewish Settlements

I hope my Native brothers and sisters will forgive me, but, I could not let this pass in a season of so-called Thanksgiving.

How tepid a response can you give? Gee guys,we sure wish you wouldn't expand settlements into east Jerusalem. You know that doesn't make things better. But we appreciate you thinking about slowing down.

In the meantime, land is being stolen by the city block. Palestinians' homes are being demolished and men, women, and children thrown into the street, jailed or killed if they protest. Used as human shields if anyone shoots back. Bomb their factories, schools and hospitals.

How could Saddam, Noriega, or Mullah Omar be any worse than Benjamin Netanyahu (I think it's pronounced what-a-yahoo). We decry genocide in Darfur and Kosovo, but sit silently as it openly takes place in Jerusalem. The Israelis are daring someone to take action, yet no country will. When the Palestinians fire crude weapons in self defense, the Israelis open up with tanks, helicopters, and white phosphorus.

This whole story being played out in the West Bank and Gaza Strip is the exact same story as the Black Hills here in America. Slowly take by force that which can not be won by treaty. Kill anyone who protests by calling them a "militant" (see Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull, etc.) Steal the land.

No Western or Eastern power will protest or support the Palestinian cause, they are not white people. Arab states have been placated with treaties, money, and oil contracts. They all talk a great game, but, any that support the Palestinian cause with finances or arms are attacked literally and figuratively (see Iran, Libya, Iraq.)

Brother Jamil Al-Amin is looking more and more like a prophet every day. African Americans in power means nothing. They simply carry out the wishes of the system in place 400 years before they got there. To change the system is to be viewed as a militant, or God forbid, a liberal.

The time for tepid responses has long past. The Goldstone Report and these latest actions should create a public outcry all over the world.

I guess Sarah Palin's book and Carrie Prejeans sex tape are far more important.

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