Sunday, October 11, 2009

Obama Wins The Nobel Peace Prize-Conservative Heads Explode

President Barack Obama won the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize and world recognition as an agent for peace in the world.

Instead of praising the President, political pundits all over America have howled and screamed that he didn't deserve it. That he is a wartime President that has done nothing to advance the cause of peace. Yet, no pundit has indicated who they thought was more deserving. The conservatives cheered when America lost out on the Olympic bib for Chicago and booed when Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize.

He deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. The prize is for individuals who advance the cause of peace while surrounded by hatred. The same pundits who argue that Obama didn't deserve the award are the same assholes who said Dr. King didn't deserve it. He was also surrounded by hatred. He was called names, beaten in the streets, and jailed. Yet, he maintained that peaceful protest was the only real way to effect change.

Obama has enacted many policies that have advanced the cause of peace. He opened a new dialog with North Korea resulting in new talks on nuclear weapons and the release of two American journalists. He ended the missile defense shield in Europe which caused great apprehension in Russia and Eastern Europe. He started a new dialogue with the Muslim world based on mutual respect. He is drawing down the troops in Iraq and letting the Iraqis decide their own future. He is pushing for healthcare for all Americans, which will directly benefit the poor. He even met with a racist cop and his victim to try to heal the racial divide in this country which has existed for 400 years. He has done all these things while confronted by hatred and racism. Not from foreign leaders, but, from his own people. Any other African-American would have slapped the shit out of Joe Wilson, but not Barack Obama. For that reason alone, give him the award.

Pundits fail to mention any of his accomplishments while denigrating him for getting the worldwide recognition he deserves. They howl that the only reason he got the award was that he is not George Bush. That giving him the award was a repudiation of Bush policies more than anything he personally has accomplished. they point to the fact that President Obama and his staff were just as surprised as the rest of the nation. They immediatelty wanted to know what he was going to do with the 1.4 million dollar award, then sneered when he said he would donate it to charity. What a crock.

There has never been a Nobel Prize winner of any kind who said "I deserve this award and thanks for recognizing that I am better than the rest of those losers." Never. No one asked the other American Nobel Prize winners what they planned to do with the award money, only Obama. No one asks if the other Nobel prize winners will "earn" their award, only Obama.

Still more hatred for a man who has only tried to advance the cause of peace, dialog, and understanding. Still think he is undeserving?

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