Tuesday, October 6, 2009

U.N. Delays Vote On Goldstone Report-Abbas Under Siege

The U.N. delayed a crucial vote on the Goldstone report on Israeli and Hamas war crimes for six months after pressure from the U.S. and Israel and the tacit approval of the Palestinian Authority.

The outcry in the occupied territories was immediate.

The Israeli invasion into the Gaza Strip resulted in over 1400 Palestinian deaths, with the majority of the casualties being women and children. The Israeli Army reported 10 soldiers killed and 3 Israeli civilians.

Approving the vote delay implies that Abbas is a total lackey to Washington and Israel. Failing to expose Israeli war crimes, and have the nations of the world recognize them as war criminals, severely weakens the cause of freedom and justice for the Palestinian people. Without justice there can be no peace.

The Palestinian people have been subjected to endless injustices by Israel since the states founding in 1948. Palestinians have had their land seized, their leaders isolated and assassinated, their farms and houses bulldozed, and women and children murdered.

Israel has not been sanctioned, embargoed, or even threatened for it's heinous actions by the U.N. or Western powers.


Saddam Husein, Manuel Noriega, and Hugo Chavez have been hanged, jailed, and ostracized for far less. Our nation is a nation of hypocrites. Justice depends on skin color, ethnic background, and money. The Palestinians are the Native Americans of the middle east. Their culture, religion, and heritage mean nothing to the western powers who are still fighting the crusades.

Delaying the vote was the final straw for the Palestinian people. The protests are just the beginning. Already riots are taking place in Jerusalem as Israel seized the third holiest shrine in Islam so that Jewish pilgrims could pray at a piece of a wall. Abbas will be targeted next. Although Palestinians are rarely assassinated by Palestinians, Abbas just became a prime target. Turncoats and collaborators generally get what they deserve.

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