Friday, October 23, 2009

Goldstone Dares U.S On U.N. Report

Richard Goldstone asked the U.S. to clarify flaws in the UN report on war crimes committed during the Israeli-Hamas conflict last year. The U.S called the report "flawed" and delayed a vote on the report for six months.

Richard Goldstone asked that the US clarify which parts of the report it considered flawed. So far he has received no indication that anyone in the Obama administration has even read the report.

When confronted with the truth about Israel this country avoids it, denies it, or completely hides from it. Why?

I love Jewish people as I love all people. Yet, somehow they have made it impossible to dislike the policies of Israel without hating Jews. Why?

Jews were instrumental in the demand for civil rights in the 60's. They gave legal advice, marched on the front lines and suffered with Freedom Fighters throughout the nation. I have a deep and abiding respect for them.

Time for Obama to re-evaluate his entire Mideast policy while he is reviewing Afghanistan as all are interconnected. The US is fighting the Taliban in Pakistan and Afghanistan. The Shia in Iran. Hamas in Palestine. Islamists in Somalia. Al Qaeda all over the world.

Time to ask some real serious questions and be prepared to face the truth. None of these wars would be occurring were it not for our unfounded total support for the state of Israel.

Can we not support the Jews without blindly supporting the state? Is not confronting a friend with the truth the greatest sign of friendship?

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