Thursday, October 29, 2009

Black Students Denied Entry To Chicago Club

Again, young, educated Blacks are amazed when confronted with open racism in the 21st century.

African-Americans coming up today are taught that racism was abolished immediately after Martin Luther King's speech in Washington D.C. That all people are treated equally. See, we have a Black President.

The Bouncers and Managers at this club had obviously been instructed to keep as many Black people out as possible. They didn't bat an eye as this poor student pled his case. Explaining what a "good nigger" he was.

When I moved to Chicago in the early 80's, I was immediately informed by a girlfriend that Blacks confined themselves to the South side and the West side of the city. Whites controlled the Loop, the North side and the East side. Blacks were routinely denied access to clubs, refused service in restaurants, and in some cases openly attacked if they ventured outside their area.

Authors like John Hope Franklin, Claude Brown,Bobby Seale, and Eldridge Cleaver should be required reading for young people today. Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee and the Autobiography of Malcolm X should be read before graduating High School by all students.

Then young people would realize that racism never died, it just changed from overt to covert. Sometimes it's still overt, but, you gotta know the difference.

The nite club has since agreed to send it's managers to diversity training and blah, blah, blah. Nothing can replace the feeling of embarrassment and humiliation felt by these young students as they were denied entry when whites are admitted. Shameful.

Sue their asses has become the remedy in cases like this.

In my day, someone would drive by later that night and throw a brick through the window, start a fire, or in some cases shoot the bouncer. Had these been black people that know racism immediately when they see it, this enitre situation could have ended badly.

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