Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hundreds Of Palestinians Detained Without Charge

Just like the Native Americans of the late 1800's, at least 350 Palestinians have been detained indefinitely by Israeli authorities without charge.

Add illegal detention to the long list of Israeli war crimes, which include bombing schools and hospitals, using civilians as human shields, and using white phosphorous bombs.

The Apache, Lakota, Cheyenne, Creek, and Cherokee had their land taken, women and children killed, and fighting aged men and boys jailed in far away prisons without charge. Tribes that persisted in practising their religious beliefs and customs were re-educated or murdered. The oppressors kept up the pressure on all fronts until all of the land was under their control. Only then were limited rights returned.

When will our nation end it's support of the most hated nation on earth? Why do we continue to block U.N resolutions condemning torture, racism, injustice, and war crimes?

I believe the answer is money!!

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