Tuesday, October 27, 2009

San Jose Police Beat Unarmed Viet Student

Thanks to a cellphone video, the San Jose Police are caught beating a student with a metal baton while handcuffed and hitting him with their favorite instrument of torture, the Tazer.

Ah, technology. What would we do without it?

Before the Tazer, Police had to wear themselves out punching victims below the waist, burning them with cigarette butts, hanging them in their cells, or just making them dissapear.

Now they can Taze anybody. Armed or unarmed. Young or old. Rich or poor (mostly poor). Black, Brown, Red, Yellow, sometimes even white. The Tazer is a handheld torture device that leaves no marks. The pain is instantaneous, agonizing, and unmerciful. In the hands of a true sadist it is a work of genius.

The cellphone camera, once thought to be the stupidest idea ever, has become indespensible in exposing the truth in situations where the authority is believed 99%of the time. Incidents of Police brutality are seldom prosecuted by local officials as the city or state is liable for damages if the charge is proven. Internal Affairs officies are designed to limit Police liability and cover up misdeeds rather than expose them. When is the last time you ever heard of your Police Department of Internal Affairs announcing a major arrest or disciplinary action against one of it's officers that wasn't exposed by the media first?

Unfortunately this poor kid had to find out the hard way that he is not white. No matter what neighborhood he lives in, no matter what his income, not matter what his occupation, he is not white. The cops will beat you, taze you, kill you, sprinkle drugs on you and call it a day. These San Jose pigs are already looking for some excuse to justify their behavior. Maybe drugs, alcohol, probation violation, traffic ticket, or library fine.

The only avenue left for this poor kid, if he is still alive, is to sue the shit out of the city. There are probably not enough Vietnamese in the area to stage a proper riot, unless they can get the Latinos and Blacks involved. I hope he gets MILLIONS of dollars. The Police will not get fired or admit any wrongdoing, so, you might as well get paid. Justice in America equals dollar signs, nothing more.

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