Friday, October 23, 2009

Hate Crimes Extended To LGBT

Finally, after over 230 years, hate crimes legislation has been extended to cover Lesbians, Gays, Bi-sexuals and Transvestites.

Despite Republican opposition, Democrats finally passed a meaningful bill the President can sign. The "Party Of No" never wanted hate crimes legislation of any kind. However, the dragging death of James Byrd and the return of lynchings in the South shifted the tide in the early 90's.

After hundreds of deaths and thousands of beatings, some reported some not, Congress finally recognizes that these were not individuals being targeted, but an entire class of people. Modern day genocide has occured right here in America while we chase criminals in Serbia and Rwanda.

Why Republicans felt the need to oppose this bill is beyond me. Surely they realize that a significant portion of their base is made up of closet homosexuals. Their argument that existing laws are sufficient to combat violent acts is quite ridiculous. If that were the case these crimes would never occur. The threat of additional penalty and the denial of parole would make the average person think twice before attacking someone simply because of their sexual preference.

Now all Obama has to do is sign the bill, lift Don't Ask Don't Tell, and start a productive dialogue with the Gay community to ensure re-election in 2012.

The Republicans shoot themselves in the foot again.

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