Monday, October 5, 2009

Goldstone Defends Israeli War Crimes Report

Richard Goldstone was called upon to defend his report to the U.N on war crimes committed by Israel and Hamas during their conflict last year.

Fareed Zakaria, the token Muslim from CNN, tried hard to equate the actions of Hamas with the heinous crimes Israel committed.

While Hamas fired highly inaccurate rockets towards Israel in hopes of hitting a substantial target, Israel responded with phosphorous shell, human shields, and shelling schools, hospitals, farms, and flour factories. Hardly a fair comparison.

No video evidence. No interviews with Palestinians. No body counts. Just a sad attempt to make both parties equally responsible.

Any doubts that the media is controlled by Israeli sympathizers were shot to hell. Even Richard Goldstone, a Jew, has demanded action against Israel, something our nation has refused to do.

Thanks for your efforts Mr. Goldstone. In keeping with the old saying "tell the truth, then leave immediately."

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