Thursday, October 8, 2009

Jackson Blackface Tribute Flops

Thank You Harry Connick Jr. After a group of Australian doctors performed a Michael Jackson "tribute" in blackface, Connick correctly showed his outrage and educated an insensitive Australian audience.

Australians have no moral compass. They attempted to eradicate the entire population of Aborigones through straght up genocide. The Black population of Australia has been reduced to a handful of oppressed souls unable to fight the everyday racism occuring all around them. They barely bother to protest as their oppresors no longer care. Every now and then they trot out an Aborigone as a symbol of racial equality (remember the Olympics) and claim racism no longer exists. This video proves that is not the case.

Thanks Harry. I vcan see why your family name is revered in New Orleans and around the world. Your moral compass is strong.

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