Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tampa Police Officers Killed While Racial Profiling

Two Tampa Police officers were gunned down today while racial profiling.

One officer apparently stopped a vehicle for no tag, then proceeded to run the licenses of every nigger in the car. Lo and behold, one of the niggers had an outstanding warrant for a worthless check from JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA. Sensing an opportunity to take a nigger to jail, Officer Dickhead called for back up.

To the shock and amazement of the niggers, the officers select a person who was not driving for arrest and proceed to hassle him. The nigger gets pissed and figures that, since they forgot to search him, he may as well shoot them with the gun he has stashed.

Three wasted lives for a worthless check. An African American goes from poor person to murderer in the span of a few seconds, all because the cops were eager to make an arrest. The cops go from racist assholes to dead in the same time span.

I hope it was worth it to recoup that worthless check.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Border Patrol Shoots 15 Year Old Mexican Teen

The Border Patrol murdered a fifteen year old Mexican, allegedly trying to enter the country illegally.

The Border Patrol immediately issued a lie, stating that the youth was throwing rocks at Border Agents and deadly force had to be used. Their lives were in danger for Christ's sake.

Cellphone video clearly indicates that the youth was running away and was across the border into Mexico when the Agent shot him in the back.

A cover-up has been launched to hide to truth.

Why is it that although pictures don't lie an investigation has to be conducted anyway. The agent goes free to sit at home drinking beer with pay while the victims family mourns and bears funeral expenses.

Thanks to the Arizona Immigration law it's open season on Mexicans. Whether they are here legally or illegally it's shoot first and ask questions later. Hell, Gov. Jan Brewer has declared them all drug mules.

One day Mexicans will realize that they will never be accepted as equals by white America. They will pass laws, shoot people, erect fences, and conduct raids. Anything to keep the Mexicans out and prevent minorities from taking over this country. Blacks have already been banned from entering. Native Indians have been murdered down to acceptable levels. Asian people no long wish to come here.

The only remaining threat is the Mexicans, so why not shoot them in the back.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Helen Thomas Calls White House Response To Flotilla Assault "Pitiful"

This is why no administration likes Helen Thomas. She spoke the truth and did not give a shit who got mad. I guess 50 years of hearing lies in response to valid questions was enough.

The nation and the world will sorely miss Helen Thomas.

Helen Thomas Forced To Retire Over Israel Remarks

I guess the old saying, "tell the truth, then leave immediately" is really true.

One day after telling the truth about Israels' continued occupation of Palestine, Helen Thomas was vilified, crucified, and denigrated by every media outlet in the US. A 50 year career was destroyed in a matter of moments by the Jewish media and banking mafioso.

Telling the Jews to go back to Poland, Germany and eastern Europe is the same thing Palestinians have been saying for decades. The Jews never came from Jerusalem. Sure, the lived there in small numbers over 2,000 years ago, however, even then they shared the land.

Forcing Helen Thomas to resign is a travesty. They hated the fact that she told the truth and was too old to give a damn what anyone thought. Enjoy your retirement Helen and tell the world to kiss your ass.

Friday, June 4, 2010

For Tivoli Gardens

A little Bob Marley to lift your spirits and your minds.

Rape On The Reservation

I watched this documentary the other day on Current TV.

While the documentary was thought provoking and sad, it failed to deal with the root cause of violence against women on the Pine Ridge reservation.

Sure, unemployment is extremely high. Alcoholism is rampant. The teens have no activities. No job training. Housing is horrible.

The root cause, however, of the prevalence of violence against women is the sexual violence suffered by the parents and grand-parents at the hands of teachers and administrators at Indian Boarding schools from the early 1900s until the late 1960s.

Indian children were taken away from their families and driven hundreds of miles away to boarding schools from the age of 8. They were forbidden to speak their language, forced to cut their hair, forced to change their names, separated from siblings, and forbidden to see their relatives.

The children were often sexually abused and could not report or speak out about their abuse. The children were often brutally beaten if they embraced any part of their culture. The teachers and administration officials were never charged with crimes or even transferred in most cases. The abuse went on unabated for decades.

As a result, thousands of Indian men and women are continuing this cycle of abuse. They have no idea what a healthy relationship looks like because most have never seen one. People sometimes drink to forget, and Indians have a lot to forget.

Jailing the youth is not the answer. The only recourse for Native people is to return to Native values. This is difficult considering most tribes would have to rebuilt their cultures from scratch. The old generation of warriors like Russell Means, Denis Banks, John Trudell, and Red Crow are passing into history without being replaced. Warrior Societies are no more.

While prosecution of offenders and women's' self help groups are good starts, tracing back the cycle of abuse and holding people accountable would be more effective.

Outrage In Turkey At Israeli Murders

Autopsies conducted on the 9 victims revealed that all died due to gunshot wounds. Some of the gunshots were at extremely close range, between 2 and 14 cm from the victims head. One victim was shot multiple times in the head and body.

Since the activists had no guns and no soldiers were killed this international crime can only be viewed as murder. Every nation in the world seems to recognize this fact, except the good ole USA. The US has called for an independent investigation of cold blooded murder.

Even after the investigation, which will attempt to find fault with the activists to somehow justify murder, nothing will happen. No sanctions. No arrests. No lifting of the blockade. Nothing.

Gazans will continue to have their infrastructure bombed, their leaders assassinated, their schools destroyed, and their children starved.

All in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Spike Lee Tells Obama To "Go Off" On BP

Now that everyone has weighed in on the BP disaster, Spike Lee adds his two cents.

Saying that the President needs to "go off" on BP plays into the hands of the republican critics.

The interesting thing is that everybody has a suggestion, but, no one has any idea how to shut off the oil. Not the President, Spike Lee, Glen Beck, or Bobby Jindal. They all scream loudly that the President should do something, but what? No technical expertise, just misdirected anger.

Where were these angry voices when New Orleans was drowning, Iraqis were tortured and the deficit ballooned?

The other day a white man looking at his newspaper said to me, "boy, man is really destroying this planet." The truth is, the white man is destroying this planet. Native Africans and Native Americans never had environmental problems until the arrival of the white man. 30 million buffalo were reduced to a few thousand. Rhinos, elephants, and lions were hunted to near extinction. Air pollution and water pollution killed millions of birds and fish. Strip mining and oil drilling destroyed thousands of acres of habitat for endangered animals. Every animal with fur was hunted to near extinction in North America.

Unless Anderson Cooper and Spike Lee have an ironclad answer on reducing the oil flow, they need to shut the fuck up. Either be part of the problem or part of the solution. Spikes solution, for the President to get mad, accomplishes nothing.

However, it pleases the white man to see the Black President criticized by Black people. Thanks Spike.

Republicans Compare BP Oil Spill To Katrina

In another attempt to disparage the Obama administration, Republicans have compared the government response to the BP oil spill the Bush's response to Hurricane Katrina.

Although the comparison is ludicrous, media outlets continue to report on the spill like it is a national crises. They banner their news casts with "Day 44" like the hostage crises in Iran. They show pictures of floating oil and soaked birds as if the end of the world was fast approaching. Then they cry out, "where is the President?"

It's all bullshit!

First, there is no comparison between HURRICANE Katrina and the BP Oil spill. Over 1500 citizens lost their lives in Katrina, only 11 at the BP oil rig. Thousands of people lost their homes and businesses from all walks of life in Katrina. So far a few fishermen and shrimpers have reported lost income, but, they still have their lives and homes.

Katrina was a natural disaster. The National Weather Service gave plenty of warning. The state and city and federal governments failed to evacuate the old, poor and sick. Left prisoners and hospital patients to drown. Sent the National guard to shoot survivors trying to find food and water. Failed to provide the money and resources to rebuild.

The BP oil spill is entirely a man made disaster. The government had no advance warning. Has no oil drilling or capping equipment in it's budget. Has no "Department of Oil" that deals with oil spills. Is overspent on it's budget while BP makes billions in profit each quarter.

A few oily birds and unemployed shrimpers is the same as a thousand drowned niggers I guess.

The Republicans have repeatedly blamed Obama for the entire mess.

The President has accepted responsibility for the mess, while sending the Justice Department down to determine if criminal charges are forthcoming for BP. Meanwhile Republicans like Bobby Jindal, who refused federal bailout money, are now screaming for federal money like a crack addicts. The same teabaggers who wanted the federal government out private business are now crying for federal help.


From the beginning President Obama should have told BP that someones ass would be thrown in jail for every day the oil leaked. They would sit their asses in jail until the leak was stopped and the oil cleaned up.

That is the only way Obama can assume responsibility for this ongoing mess. The government does not posses the technical expertise or equipment to stop the leak.

They do have plenty of jails.

German Flotilla Activists Speak Out

No one believes Arabs. They all lie.

But, Germans! They are white folk. Honest as the day is long. Pure as driven snow.

However, you can only believe 50% of what they say. They were hanging out with Arabs after all.

US News Puts Biased Spin On Israeli Assault

The US media would have you believe the the Israeli Army was perfectly justified in killing unarmed activists because some of their members were beaten and stabbed.

The activists had no right to defend themselves while being mowed down with automatic weapons. Fighting back with metal poles, tools, and pocket knives are the same as fighting back with guns. If you are treated as if you are armed, why not be armed?

The American media is attempting to polish the turd dropped by Israel by demonizing the activists, even though every action they took was legal and peaceful. The same things were said about peaceful protesters in the 60s. Freedom Riders, marchers, and people attempting to vote were beaten and killed by police and charged with disturbing the peace and resisting arrest.

The lack of a response by the government or Black leaders is appalling. Obama is proving to be no friend of the Arab world and liberal leaders are afraid to speak out for fear of losing the Jewish vote, and money.

Meanwhile innocent people are killed trying to keep the people of Gaza from starving. Shameful.

Israel Attacks Gaza Aid Ship

The Israeli Defense Forces attacked aid ships bound for Gaza in international waters resulting in the deaths of at least 8 activists and the detention of over 500.

There has been little US media coverage of this criminal action and a tepid response from the White House, calling for an international investigation. Add this investigation to the war crimes investigations for the invasions of Lebanon, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and you can produce enough paper to wipe the asses of every US citizen. Ridiculous!

The activists were trying to deliver medical supplies, books, food, and cement to rebuild the infrastructure of Gaza. To prevent that, Israel attacked the ships in international waters. I guess there are pirates on the high seas.

Where is the outrage? Why are Arab countries sitting idly by while a brother nation is being strangled to death at the hands of a minority? Why have Arab nations not organized their own flotilla to break the illegal blockade?

Organizations like the Taliban and Al Qaeda exist because most Arab leaders are pussies. Leaders like Qaddafi, Mubarak, and Assad talk a great game, but when their people really need them to step up and fight for them, they compromise and kow tow.

Arab nations should be organizing a flotilla so big that the Israelis would have to stop 100 ships and kill 1,000 people to stop it. Then the outcry would be overwhelming and no nation could stand by and watch as Israel continued to violate international law.

But, pussies meow. They never roar.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

73 Dead In Jamaican Violence

73 civilians have reportedly been killed by Jamaican security forces during an assault on Tivioli Gardens, a very poor community in West Kingston.

More than 500 people have been arrested and transferred to the National Stadium for detention. Distraught relatives have gathered outside the gates of the stadium in an all to familiar scene, looking for sons, daughters, husbands, and wives unaccounted for. Police have reportedly burned several bodies on the streets to prevent identification and autopsy of the remains.

As a result of the assault, the security forces recovered 22 weapons, 8000 rounds of ammunition, and some local and foreign currency (they didn't say how much). The security forces reported 2 police officers killed and 58 wounded during the "operation".

Meanwhile, Christopher "Dudus" Coke remains free. Robin Hood Lives in the countryside protected by the citizens of Sherwood Forest. Not wanted by his own country, but, by a foreign country unable to control it's appetite for illegal drugs.

The manhunt and killing will continue until Mr. Coke is caught or the government falls. Or both.

The people will begin to ask a lot of tough questions after this whole episode is over. Such as, was it worth the lives of 73 innocent people to apprehend a person not wanted by our state? How is it that only 22 weapons were recovered in a community supposedly armed with 50 caliber machine guns? Was Christopher Coke even in the neighborhood at the time of the assault? Why is the Jamaican government doing the bidding of a foreign power? Would the US government kill 73 of it's citizens to capture a person wanted in Jamaica? What happens to the approximately 500 people being held at the National Stadium?

There has been virtually no comment of any kind coming out of the White House or Justice Department about the war on the streets of Kingston. They could care less how many Jamaicans are killed as long as their scapegoat is caught, tried, convicted, or conveniently shot.

Somewhere Bob Marley and Marcus Garvey are crying.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Warfare On The Streets Of Jamaica

The proud African state of Jamaica has joined Mexico and Columbia as states totally destabilized by the drug policy of the United States. The policy of extraditing alleged drug traffickers to the United States for kangaroo courts has ignited a backlash.

It is no coincidence that violence, kidnapping, and assaults on police are prevalent in countries that extradite their "citizens" to the US for trial. Accused criminals like Pablo Escobar and now Christopher Coke would rather die in their own country fighting than submit to the white man's justice here.

The extradition policy is a policy of rendition, cloaked in the legal system. The US merely charges a foreign citizen with a crime, the more outrageous the better. The foreign government, without charging the individual with a crime, destroys half the country and kills countless civilians to deliver the citizen to a foreign land. A land the accused may have never visited.

In this case 30 people have died as a result of this policy. The civilians died for the defense of their sovereignty. The Police died as slaves to another country.

Does not every citizen have a right to be accused and tried in the nation where he was born, by a jury of his true peers, and by a government that benefited from his/her taxes? Anyone can understand extraditing individuals who flee to other countries to avoid capture. However, bringing drug dealers here who have never been here is another.

Strange that only Black and Brown people are extradited. Roman Polanski is still vacationing in France after raping a little girl. The French protect him as a citizen, even though he is from here and committed the crime here. Certain individuals in the drug business are labeled "kingpins" and "cartel chiefs" because they made money in the drug business. These individuals are always Black or Brown. Although the distribution of drugs has always been controlled by the government and the bankers, none are ever convicted as kingpins. Frank Lucas, Freeway Ricky Ross, Christopher Coke, and Pablo Escobar did not own any ships or planes with runways in the US. They did not own any banks. They did not run a single police department. However, these men were kingpins because they owned a few houses and cars, and sponsored a few community events. Meanwhile, the police, judges, bankers, lawyers, and politicians who benefit are left alone. The government started the crack epidemic in the 1980's, yet, no government official was ever convicted of even a parking ticket.

This ridiculous policy must end. If the money spent during the past 30 years to stop, try, and convict drug dealers had been spent on treatment and prevention programs, there would be no drug kingpins. Lots of people have to be benefiting for a drug war to continue unabated for as long as it has.

The real drug kingpins are the pharmaceutical companies who sell legal drugs at exorbitant prices to people who can't afford them. These drugs are not designed to cure but, to keep the user coming back over and over again. Blood pressure medications, cancer drugs, AIDS drugs, drugs for restless leg syndrome. Oxycontin, percocet, vicodin, Demerol. All legal drugs that don't cure anything, but they cost a lot. Yet, the drug companies make billions legally, even though their drugs kill many more people.

Christopher Coke should be tried in Jamaica, if they have any charges against him. The popular uprising occurring in the streets may cause the government to fall as more and more people see this as an issue of sovereignty, and the government as a tool of the US. Other individuals involved in the drug trade and find common cause with Mr. Coke and join the fight, which may already be occurring based on the number of roadblocks.

In the end Christopher Coke will be killed and a new "drug kingpin" appointed and targeted. The cycle of violence will continue and the drugs will continue to flow. Then another scapegoat will emerge.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Malcolm X Birthday Celebration

One more time for a visionary, warrior, and Real Freedom Fighter!

Happy 85th Birthday Malcolm X

Happy 85th. Rest In Peace

Monday, May 17, 2010

Attorney For Family Of Slain Girl Claims Police Fired Into Home

As police frantically attempt to cover-up the cold blooded murder of a seven year old Black girl sleeping in her own home, a video has surfaced.

The Attorney for the family indicates that the video clearly shows the police toss in a grenade, then fire into the home immediately afterward. The police claim the gun discharged after a struggle with a 46 year old woman, the victims grandmother, who was running for her life.

Turns out that A&E was filming one of their "Superhero Police Of Detroit" series, featuring throw a nigger in jail, and they happened to film a cold blooded murder instead. The so-called police investigation need only review the tape to determine the liar, and potential murderer, in this instance.

The family can expect to receive a few dollars from a bankrupt city, but certainly not justice. No police officer will be charged with a crime. None will be fired. All will be quietly re-assigned to higher paying jobs and the whole thing forgotten.

Meanwhile, parents and grandparents grieve the loss of a little girl for the rest of their lives.

Detroit Cops Kill 7 Year Old Girl

Police in Detroit shot a 7 year old girl in the head and neck while executing a search warrant at the wrong house.

The Police will now investigate themselves, clear themselves, and go back to business as usual. After the fact, they pretend to be distraught while they suspend another murderer with pay for a few days to reload. Call the whole thing a tragic accident.

It is not a coincidence that the little girl was Black and poor. Black people have no rights when police arrive, ask Louis Gates Jr. Instead of surrounding the house, knocking on the door and executing the search warrant. They throw grenades and go in shooting, without any information about who was inside and the risk to children and the elderly. These murdering assholes could have waited outside, undercover, waiting for the suspect to appear and taken him on the street. These cops could have executed the search warrant anytime during daylight hours to minimize the chance of casualties and make a positive identification of the suspect. It was far easier to just go in blasting because nobody cares.

It is time again for the creation of a Black militia like the Black Panthers and the Deacons for Defense. Now that these organizations are no more, it is open season on Black people. Police can bust in your home, shoot your kids, and blame YOU for the whole thing. We have no protection from the largest, most violent gang in the nation. They are armed with shotguns, M-16's, Semi-Automatic pistols, tazers and clubs. The gang is made up of Black and White soldiers all dressed in blue with a license to kill anyone in our community who demands their rights. Until Black people take an active role in self-defense, our people will continue to be targeted in their own homes.

Shame on the Detroit Police and the entire city of Detroit. Nothing has changed since the riots in the 60's and nothing will change until we stand up and refuse to be brutalized.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Seattle Cops Stomp Hispanics

Coast to coast, city by city, cops are given license to kill, stomp, and taze minority suspects at will without penalty. From Philadelphia to Oakland, from New York to Seattle, the story is the same. You can shoot, taze or beat at will. The most you will get is a few days suspension, with pay.

The Justice Department will do nothing, Prosecutors will not prosecute, Police Chiefs will not fire. The beat goes on.

Forty years after COINTELPRO destroyed every Black, Brown, and Red organization adressing police brutality in their communities we are back to square one. Now that the communities are armed, with weapons distributed by the government to protect the drug trade, more and more officers will be killed and wounded attempting to apprehend suspects who don't want to be jailed without fair trails or shot and beaten on the streets. Future riots will involve a lot more firearms than the riots in LA after the Rodney King beating.

This country will continue to deny that racism and brutality against minorities occurs daily. We have learned nothing from the civil rights protests of the 60's. The tactics of Police like Bull Conner and Joe Arpaio have been legalized by the state. The only option for minorities is self defense by any means necessary.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Philly Cop Shoots Self-Blames Black Man

If this isn't further proof that Philadelphia cops are some of the most racist on earth, I don't know what is.

Police in Philadelphia have been known to beat unarmed Blacks, bomb their houses, shoot them without cause, and now blame them for crimes they didn't commit. I am surprised they didn't find some poor unsuspecting Black man to blame it on.

Why isn't this racist cop in jail for filing a false police report? The truth is police officers rarely see the inside of a prison no matter what crime they commit, including murder.

It has become painfully obvious that African, Hispanic, and Indian people need protection from the police. Ethnic communities have begun to police themselves, enacting unwritten laws like "no snitching" to deny police access to the neighborhoods. Taking personal revenge on perpetrators to ensure justice is served rather than depend on a justice system that looks upon us as third class citizens.

This idiot would not have been caught had it not been for his own stupidity. The police would still be looking for a Black man, and maybe killed one, had this moron not used his own gun to shoot himself.

Although Blacks have plenty of reasons to hate the police, they don't go around shooting them without cause. It has become a given in this country that if any crime is committed, blame a Black man and you can probably get away with it.

As Richard Pryor stated so eloquently, "you go down there looking for justice and that's just what you find, just us."

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Mumia Abu Jamal On Haiti

Real Freedom Fighter Mumia Abu Jamal adds his thoughts on Haiti.

Al Sharpton and Tavis Smiley Slug It Out

This is why there is no unified agenda for Black America. Too many egos.

Tavis is pissed off because no one is paying attention to his book now that we have a Black President. He has no political or social base to rally and is becoming irrelevant.

Sharpton is the supreme ego maniac. He over reacts to the slightest criticism by loud talking and talking over his opponent, like O'Reiley and Beck. He takes great offense to any criticism whatsoever from the Black community. How dare you challenge the king!

In this case both are right. Sharpton was correct to advise the President not to "ballyhoo" a Black agenda, and Tavis was right to call him on it. Al could have simply clarified his response and reviewed the timeline with Tavis in a calm and respectful manner without getting ghetto.

Neither addressed the central question. What is the Black agenda? They were both so caught up on the who said what, that the central question was lost. Who gives a fuck about when invitations were sent out and who called whom? These are petty arguments which distract from the major issues.

Throughout our history, Black leaders from Booker T Washington to WEB DuBois to Martin Luther King to Malcolm X have respectfully disagreed on the Black agenda and how best to achieve our goals. Egos were always a factor, but, never to this extent. White folks are having a field day watching these two ego maniacs go toe to toe.

Both are too full of themselves to apologize, meet privately to discuss differences, and present a unified front.

The time for new leadership is now.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Floyd Red Crow Westerman

Just another Indian you never heard of.

Police Coverup Murder of Katrina Victims

As police scrambled to protect White property from the victims of the greatest natural disaster to befall this nation in 100 years, they murdered two African Americans seeking shelter from rising waters, and shot four others. All in an attempt to keep Blacks across the river from white neighborhoods and businesses.

As these victims frantically searched for food, water, and shelter from the rising flood, police and National Guard troops were directed to shoot any Black people they saw approaching the dry, predominately white areas of Metarie, Kenner, and the Central Business District. The police then covered up the shootings with lies. Indicating that starving, thirsty, drowning people were roaming the streets with guns shooting at anything that moved. Lying assholes!

Then the police department investigated itself, declared the shooters heroes, then patted themselves on the back for a job well done.

This pattern of police brutality is nothing new. From Philadelphia to Boston. From New York to Oakland, the pattern is the same. The murderers of Sean Bell were recently acquitted in New York after a police cover up.

In each case a few protesters come out and march around. The Mayor promises a full investigation. Jesse and Al make an appearance. The police are acquitted. The family sues for a few bucks. The whole thing is forgotten until the next time. Arthur McDuffie, Amadou Diallo, Sean Bell and so on and so on until one day the victim is your son or YOU! It is open season on Black men. The police can arrest or shoot us with impunity all across America.

Yet, we still fight to defend this country. We shed blood for a country that sells us drugs, guns, prostitutes, and death. Our leaders are turncoats and sellouts. They make fine speeches and collect big fees but never achieve anything. The Black Panthers looked good on parade, but, they couldn't even defend themselves let alone the community. Murderers are never brought to justice, unless a white person is killed by mistake.

Eventually, more and more police officers will be shot and killed by angry friends and relatives of the murdered victims. There are more guns on the streets than there have every been in the history of mankind, and the number grows every day. Instead of shooting each other on the streets for chump change, respect, or just plain stupidity, police will become the victims of drive bys, home invasions, and donut shop massacres.

The entire New Orleans Police Department has been corrupt since it's inception. They are racist, murdering,drug dealing thugs with badges. I have personally seen them harass, degrade, and even spit on Black people in the city. Richard Arrington, a highly decorated Black Police Commissioner, was run out of town when he tried to fight corruption in the police department.

This is why I never shed tears when Police are shot. In most cases, justice is finally served.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Elouise Cobell Speaks


While I respect Ms. Cobell, how does $1,000 per person help lift an entire people out of poverty? If you are owed $137 billion, why not get it all?

I understand that 13 years is a long time to keep a lawsuit going, but, they were stealing land for 500 years!

Indians are easily screwed because their numbers are few. How do you thin they got to be so few? By systemic genocide, theft of land, and deprivation of culture. The same thing that is happening to Africans in the country today.

How much will we accept for reparations for 400 years of slavery, genocide, and dis-enfranchisement? Hopefully a lot more than a few billion dollars.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Stolen Haitian Children Were Not Orphans

Now it turns out that Dominican and Haitian officials told these modern day slavers posing as missionaries that they had no paperwork to take these so-called orphans out of the country. The slavers sent out fliers offerring to take kids to a better life in America. Poor, ignorant, Haitians showed up with their kids and handed them over after the missionaries yelled Jesus, Mary, and God a few times and swore to take good care of them.

These so-called missionaries were using religion to enslave Black people just like they did 500 years ago. Missionaries enslaved and murdered entire civilizations in the name of Christianity. They showed up in Africa and convinced the converts that it was ok to enslave the remaining savages. They showed up in America and enslaved or killed the Native people who refused to convert. Hundreds of thousands of Indian children were forced to abandon their culture and sent to Christian boarding schools to be mentally and sexually abused.

Now the Haitians, a spiritual people with enormous faith in Christian religions, are easy tagets for smooth talking evangalists offering food, water, shelter, or a better way of life. Add in a bribe or two for a notoriously corrupt police force, and you got yourself some child slaves for little more than the cost of a ream of paper. Those Haitian children would never have been seen or heard from again once they crossed the border. It would be as if they never existed.

Thank God the border guard didn't fall for their religious bullshit and listened to his inner voice when it told him that 33 Haitian kids leaving the country with a group of white folks with no paperwork just wasn't right.

I guess there really is a God after all.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Russel Means Speaks Out On Cobell Settlement

Real Freedom Fighter Russel Means is right on target about the paltry settlement offer of 1.6 Billion to settle Indian lawsuits regarding government mismanagement and outright theft of Indian funds.

The banks, AIG, and Goldman Sachs received over a trillion dollars in bailout money while stealing from the American taxpayer. The government steals over three quarters of a trillion dollars from Native people and offers to settle for a small fraction.

Greed and theft have always been rewarded in this country when perpetrated by the White man on a grand scale. Since the first white man set foot in the Western Hemisphere, theft, murder, enslavement, and greed have been the order of the day. Greed and theft are called capitalism. Anyone who speaks out against this heinous form of institutionalized greed is called names like communist, socialist, or anarchist. Never Freedom Fighter.

Thank you Russel for keeping it real.

Missionaries Charged With Trafficking Haitian Children

Look, I got me a Mandingo Pa! Really cheap! They were practically giving them away! Now I can train him to fetch, clean, and serve me. Hell, we can even sell the ugly ones out as laborers and the cute ones to child molesters!

Of course, everyone wants to believe the intentions of the missionaries were purely christian. If so, why did they not offer to take out any parents or adult relatives of the children? Why did they not have passports or any documentation?

These missionaries are modern day slave traders, nothing more. They sought to take advantage of the chaos and ignorance in Haiti and steal as many children as they wanted. These children could be brainwashed to believe anything while all records of their presence in the world vanishes with them.

Thank God for the border guard who at least had enough sense to ask basic questions like " where the fuck are you going with all those kids?"

These missionaries were not background checked, look like fanatics, and sent flyers throughout the communities least effected by the earthquake soliciting unwanted kids. What the fuck did they expect to happen when they showed up at the border with 33 kids?

They expected to take advantage of the chaos and drive right through and come back for more. Everyone seem to give the missionaries the benefit of doubt simply because they look like kind white folks. So did all of the Catholic priests that molested thousands. So did Jim Jones.

When will people learn that just because some white person shows up and claims to represent God, that they are to be obeyed without question? Hopefully the people of Haiti will not be so trusting with the future of their devastated nation.

Monday, February 1, 2010

US Policy On Haitian Earthquake Victims Turns Mobs Violent

As expected, chaos reigns on the streets of Haiti as victims scramble for food, water, shelter, and anything they can use for money in the wake of horrible devastation. When there are no basic facilities there are no such thing as looters, there are only victims looking to survive.

US policy so far is designed to keep the Haitians in Haiti at all costs. Hack off an arm or leg with a rusty saw, bandage them up with a bandage they can't change, and send them back to the rubble they came from. The Navy ships offshore are not only providing medical services, but, security as well for the white folks in Miami. The US policy is to do everything they can in Haiti to keep a flotilla of boat people leaving the island for the US for their very survival. The United States would look like real dicks turning away earthquake victims from Haiti while accepting Cuban traitors wanting a new flat screen television.

A nation that took in hundreds of thousands of vietnamese boat people after the war, thousands of Cubans, and millions of Mexicans can surely absorb a few dying Haitians.

The Republicans are already waiting to pounce if Obama, a Black President, lets in thousands Haitians. Republican Govenor Charlie Crist has already refused additional medical flights with victims from Haiti, requesting they be sent elsewhere due to a lack of resources. The total number of victims received in Florida Hospitals so far has only reached 500.

US puppet Rene Prevel looked like a mouse watching hungry lions seperated by a chicken-wire fence. Soon the lions, wolves, tigers, even chickens will destroy him and demand change while building rafts.

African and Carribean nations must embrace our brothers and sisters in Haiti as it is obvious the so called first world powers will not. Americans can sleep at night and feel good about themselves knowing that they sent a few bucks to the starving Haitians, not knowing why, or if it will ever reach it's intended victims. necesseties.

Ex-Presidents Clinton and Bush (the moron) were appointed to oversee the Haiti relief effort to accomplish two things. Get the Haitians any resources they need , short of bringing Haitians to America, and shield Obama from right wing attacks by people like Limbaugh and left wing meddlers like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

In the meantime the Haitians scramble like rats for basic necessities of life while we watch from our air conditioned houses sipping iced tea and eating steak.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Rush Limbaugh Says Haiti Plays Into Obama's Hands

The racist assholes are coming out of the woodwork! Rush should just wear a Klan robe while taping his radio show and taking Oxycontin.

Conservatives and Liberals alike are condemning him publicly, however he maintains his radio show and seven figure salary.

To attempt to make political hay out of human tragedy is not only sick, stupid and asinine, it is just plain moronic. How in the hell does this guy get a radio show making millions of dollars? Because the US is full of racist assholes who share his view. Rush parties have replaced Klan meetings. Racists can claim to be conservative, not racist, while hiding under Rush's robe.

Why didn't this asshole die in Hawaii? Did he not have enough drugs to overdose?

People like this survive so that the world knows that evil still exists. That we have to remain vigilant so that their stupid, moronic ideas die with them and are not passed on to future generations. He exists so that people will see the Republicans for what they really are, racists, with an Uncle Tom as their public persona.

Rush has not only exposed himself, again, but all of the Republicans who support him as bigots who don't want the nation to succeed under the leadership of a Black man. The radio station he works for should be boycotted immediately and his sponsors publicy shamed. Haitians in South Florida should seek him out and picket his home and doctors office until he dies. Then bury his putrid, stinking carcass in a sewage pit.

Pat Robertson Says Haiti "Swore A Pact With The Devil"

I know it's early, but, Pat Robertson gets my vote for Racist Asshole Of the Decade. I sincerely doubt that anyone will be able to top this moron, even though we still have ten years to go.

In the wake of all the death and devastation in Haiti caused by nature, this asshole equates it with the devils work. Nothing in nature is ever the devils work. Not the land we walk on, the air we breathe, the water we drink, or the plants, animals, and insects we share the planet with. Only man is evil. He blames his actions on imaginary devils so that he is not to blame.

To make a statement that Haiti must have made a pact with the devil just because they were the only nation to gain it's freedom via slave revolt is too ludicrous for comment. The devil had to be involved or the Haitians would still be happy darkies living as slaves under French rule? This has got to be the stupidest comment ever made on television, and that's saying something.

How can a moron like this be in charge of a massive church, with his own TV station. He even gets tax exemptions for spreading racial hatred and ignorance. The stupid, dumb ass, Uncle Tom sitting next to him should be drummed out of the Black community. How another Black person could sit there and not challenge this nonsense is criminal. She should be shamed publicly wherever she goes as a turncoat, sellout, stupid ass, house nigger.

Then this dickhead has the nerve to solicit donations for Haiti. Donations which he will then use to continue making racist statements on his TV station tax free. You really don't think he would give to a country that worships the devil, do you?

I have come to believe that the White mans' religion is not for African people. Islam and Christianity are two sides of the same coin. Both religions speak of peace while waging war in the name of God. Both believe that whites are superior to all other races, therefore, you must worship Jesus and Muhammad, a white man and an Arab. Their holy books are written by White men. Christians believe the ancient Hebrews were white, even though Moses could pass as Egyptian. Whites are responsible for all knowledge, including math, astrology, and science, therefore, Blacks owe everything to White culture.

African and indigenous religions are called "voodoo" mumbo-jumbo, and Shamanism. They are not allowed to get tax exemptions or TV shows. No books are written. No prophets designated. Yet these practices have survived thousands of years longer than Islam and Christianity. Whites like Pat Robertson discredit these religions and teach us to do the same. Only Christians will go to heaven, and only if directed by a white man. If you don't believe this to be so, stand up in Church next Sunday and proclaim that if Moses, Abraham and Jesus existed, the must surely be Black people. See how long you last before being drummed out of the church, even if the church has a black congregation.

How is it that Dr. King and Malcolm X are dead and Pat Robertson is still alive? He must be the one with the pact with the devil. If he is not going to have the decency to die and spare us all of his nonsense, at least get off the air!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

7 CIA Agents Killed In Afghanistan By "Double Agent"

They thought he was "friendly." That he had turned his back on fundamentalism. That he was a "good" muslim. Before he strolled in with a bomb on his back and killed 7 CIA agents.

The wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia and Palestine are turning "good" muslims into enemies as thousands of muslim men, women, and children continue to be slaughtered in the name of fighting terror. American, British, and now Nigerian muslims are quietly joining the jihad and planning revenge attacks under the very noses of Homeland security. Every bullet and bomb fired produces another jihadist as the war on terror becomes a global war on Muslims.

As President Obama deploys more troops and drones to the Middle East, not one person has asked how we got to the point where the United States is at war with 6 Muslim nations (including Yemen) and a cold war with another (Iran). The only discussions in the White House involve hunting and killing militants not negotiation or review of US policy towards Israel.

The CIA failed to see this coming because they can no longer recognize the enemy. They don't walk around with T shirts that say Taliban or Al Qaeda. They don't have uniforms, barracks, or headquarters. They may be on one side of the line one day and across it the next based on what they just saw on the news or heard on the street. We fail to consider that if the US were a Muslim country attacking Christians in a foreign land, the Christians here would eventually revolt as would Christians around the world.

The war with the Muslim world was a huge mistake to begin with. It began with the pretext of 9/11, but the war was planned long ago in Tel Aviv and Washington. Israel would sujugate the Muslim states in their immediate area, namely Jordan, Lebanon, and Palestine, while Egypt sits by , thumb in ass. The US would take care of Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan and the Sudan, while Saudi Arabia sits by, thumb in ass. Then Israel will have security.

It seems the only good Muslim will be a dead one. We won't have to ask the Muslims why they hate us, it will be as apparent as the blood on our hands.