Thursday, January 14, 2010

Pat Robertson Says Haiti "Swore A Pact With The Devil"

I know it's early, but, Pat Robertson gets my vote for Racist Asshole Of the Decade. I sincerely doubt that anyone will be able to top this moron, even though we still have ten years to go.

In the wake of all the death and devastation in Haiti caused by nature, this asshole equates it with the devils work. Nothing in nature is ever the devils work. Not the land we walk on, the air we breathe, the water we drink, or the plants, animals, and insects we share the planet with. Only man is evil. He blames his actions on imaginary devils so that he is not to blame.

To make a statement that Haiti must have made a pact with the devil just because they were the only nation to gain it's freedom via slave revolt is too ludicrous for comment. The devil had to be involved or the Haitians would still be happy darkies living as slaves under French rule? This has got to be the stupidest comment ever made on television, and that's saying something.

How can a moron like this be in charge of a massive church, with his own TV station. He even gets tax exemptions for spreading racial hatred and ignorance. The stupid, dumb ass, Uncle Tom sitting next to him should be drummed out of the Black community. How another Black person could sit there and not challenge this nonsense is criminal. She should be shamed publicly wherever she goes as a turncoat, sellout, stupid ass, house nigger.

Then this dickhead has the nerve to solicit donations for Haiti. Donations which he will then use to continue making racist statements on his TV station tax free. You really don't think he would give to a country that worships the devil, do you?

I have come to believe that the White mans' religion is not for African people. Islam and Christianity are two sides of the same coin. Both religions speak of peace while waging war in the name of God. Both believe that whites are superior to all other races, therefore, you must worship Jesus and Muhammad, a white man and an Arab. Their holy books are written by White men. Christians believe the ancient Hebrews were white, even though Moses could pass as Egyptian. Whites are responsible for all knowledge, including math, astrology, and science, therefore, Blacks owe everything to White culture.

African and indigenous religions are called "voodoo" mumbo-jumbo, and Shamanism. They are not allowed to get tax exemptions or TV shows. No books are written. No prophets designated. Yet these practices have survived thousands of years longer than Islam and Christianity. Whites like Pat Robertson discredit these religions and teach us to do the same. Only Christians will go to heaven, and only if directed by a white man. If you don't believe this to be so, stand up in Church next Sunday and proclaim that if Moses, Abraham and Jesus existed, the must surely be Black people. See how long you last before being drummed out of the church, even if the church has a black congregation.

How is it that Dr. King and Malcolm X are dead and Pat Robertson is still alive? He must be the one with the pact with the devil. If he is not going to have the decency to die and spare us all of his nonsense, at least get off the air!

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