Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Helen Thomas Forced To Retire Over Israel Remarks

I guess the old saying, "tell the truth, then leave immediately" is really true.

One day after telling the truth about Israels' continued occupation of Palestine, Helen Thomas was vilified, crucified, and denigrated by every media outlet in the US. A 50 year career was destroyed in a matter of moments by the Jewish media and banking mafioso.

Telling the Jews to go back to Poland, Germany and eastern Europe is the same thing Palestinians have been saying for decades. The Jews never came from Jerusalem. Sure, the lived there in small numbers over 2,000 years ago, however, even then they shared the land.

Forcing Helen Thomas to resign is a travesty. They hated the fact that she told the truth and was too old to give a damn what anyone thought. Enjoy your retirement Helen and tell the world to kiss your ass.

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