Thursday, January 14, 2010

Rush Limbaugh Says Haiti Plays Into Obama's Hands

The racist assholes are coming out of the woodwork! Rush should just wear a Klan robe while taping his radio show and taking Oxycontin.

Conservatives and Liberals alike are condemning him publicly, however he maintains his radio show and seven figure salary.

To attempt to make political hay out of human tragedy is not only sick, stupid and asinine, it is just plain moronic. How in the hell does this guy get a radio show making millions of dollars? Because the US is full of racist assholes who share his view. Rush parties have replaced Klan meetings. Racists can claim to be conservative, not racist, while hiding under Rush's robe.

Why didn't this asshole die in Hawaii? Did he not have enough drugs to overdose?

People like this survive so that the world knows that evil still exists. That we have to remain vigilant so that their stupid, moronic ideas die with them and are not passed on to future generations. He exists so that people will see the Republicans for what they really are, racists, with an Uncle Tom as their public persona.

Rush has not only exposed himself, again, but all of the Republicans who support him as bigots who don't want the nation to succeed under the leadership of a Black man. The radio station he works for should be boycotted immediately and his sponsors publicy shamed. Haitians in South Florida should seek him out and picket his home and doctors office until he dies. Then bury his putrid, stinking carcass in a sewage pit.

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