Thursday, June 10, 2010

Border Patrol Shoots 15 Year Old Mexican Teen

The Border Patrol murdered a fifteen year old Mexican, allegedly trying to enter the country illegally.

The Border Patrol immediately issued a lie, stating that the youth was throwing rocks at Border Agents and deadly force had to be used. Their lives were in danger for Christ's sake.

Cellphone video clearly indicates that the youth was running away and was across the border into Mexico when the Agent shot him in the back.

A cover-up has been launched to hide to truth.

Why is it that although pictures don't lie an investigation has to be conducted anyway. The agent goes free to sit at home drinking beer with pay while the victims family mourns and bears funeral expenses.

Thanks to the Arizona Immigration law it's open season on Mexicans. Whether they are here legally or illegally it's shoot first and ask questions later. Hell, Gov. Jan Brewer has declared them all drug mules.

One day Mexicans will realize that they will never be accepted as equals by white America. They will pass laws, shoot people, erect fences, and conduct raids. Anything to keep the Mexicans out and prevent minorities from taking over this country. Blacks have already been banned from entering. Native Indians have been murdered down to acceptable levels. Asian people no long wish to come here.

The only remaining threat is the Mexicans, so why not shoot them in the back.

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