Sunday, September 13, 2009

Joe Wilson-Asshole Of The Month

Although it's early and the GOP could trot out an even bigger moron, I think it's safe to say that Congressman Joe Wilson is hands down the Asshole Of The Month. He shouted "You Lie" to the President when he stated that illegal immigrants would not be covered under the new health care initiatives being debated in the House and Senate.

Let's be frank. He only shouted "you lie" because he couldn't shout "Nigger". If he was concerned about Presidents' lies, where was he when Bush was lying about weapons of mass destruction, the link between Iraq and Al Queda, the cost of the wars, illegal wiretapping, and outing a CIA operative? He is obviously not concerned with lies, only niggers.

President Obama is experiencing what most Black men in middle or upper management in white owned companies experience every day. Whites are extremely skeptical of anything a Black authority figure has to say. They attempt to double verify any fact you state and discredit any idea if at all possible. They attempt to marginalize the Black manager by whispering accusations behind their back. Things like lazy, lacks focus, can't be trusted, has his own agenda. Things Obama is hearing now like Socialist, liar, immigrant. They attempt to create an environment where the Black man cannot be successful because he is unable to gain allies in support of his cause. No one wants to be associated with a liar or Socialist.

Joe Wilson adds his name to a growing list of South Carolina morons, idiots and assholes. There was Rusty DePass, GOP activist who likened Michelle Obama to an escaped gorilla. Then there was Mark Sanford who lied about his whereabouts so he could visit his whore in Argentina. Now Joe Wilson, who was FORCED to apologize by his own party. This has to be a first in South Carolina for a white man to apologize to a Black man. It must be killing him, that's why he can't do it again.

I think General Sherman should be dug up to re-invade South Carolina. Let him tear down the Confederate flag over the capitol, piss on the grave of Strom Thurmond, and bring up Joe Wilson before a firing squad.

Who is the liar now?

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