Monday, September 14, 2009

Kanye West-Moron

Kanye West has done it again. From publicly stating that "Bush doesn't care about Black people" to complaining about not recieving a Grammy, this egomaniacal asshole has now taken it upon himself to decide who wins all awards. This from a man who can't sing a note, dance a lick, or rap worth a damn. I guess a college education is beneficial after all. Michael Jackson just rolled over in his new grave.

Why drag poor Beyonce' into the fray? What did she do to deserve this? What the Fuck?

This incident will probably save Joe Wilson's ass as the press is already blowing this up as a bigger incident than the President being heckled while discussing pressing matters of state.

Thanks Kanye! You idiot! Next time speak for yourself. Don't involve others in your lunacy! If you had any talent or professionalism at all you would decline to participate in any further award shows. Try Vegas. See how far you get.

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