Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Carter Calls Teabaggers Racist

Finally someone other than a Black man has called the teabaggers racist. The press can't state the obvious for fear of losing viewers. Sharpton and Jackson can't do it because they are percieved as always shouting racism. The President can't do it because the conservatives would claim he is whining. Jimmy Earl has nothing to lose. He is widely respected, supremely qualified, and just the right person to call it like he sees it. The media doesn't know what to do now without starting the race debate. No white person wants to debate race relations. It might lead to reparations somehow. Can't have that.

The teabaggers can't throw out the racists. They make up two thirds of the group. If one is asked to leave they all will. Uneducated morons are almost always racist. Old white people are almost always racist. Thats most of the group.

Most whites want to believe that racism no longer exists. Hell, we have a Black President, one sits on the Supreme Court, a few in the Senate. That makes us all equal. Sure we lock up more Hispanics and African Americans per capita than whites, but, they commit more crimes. Sure the unemployment rate is double for minoritities, but, they just don't want to work. Sure, a Black man was dragged to death, he needed a ride! Pay no attention to those witch doctor signs, catcalls, and claims that the President is "stealing" the country. Don't all niggers steal?

Thank you Jimmy Earl! At least one white man has the courage to tell it like it is. Don't expect the racists to leave the teabaggers. We must shame them in the streets when we see them. Call them racists. Kick their asses. Let them know that we see them and will not forget. Then maybe this country can engage in an honest discussion of the race question and make amends.

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