Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Tampa Police Officers Killed While Racial Profiling
Two Tampa Police officers were gunned down today while racial profiling.
One officer apparently stopped a vehicle for no tag, then proceeded to run the licenses of every nigger in the car. Lo and behold, one of the niggers had an outstanding warrant for a worthless check from JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA. Sensing an opportunity to take a nigger to jail, Officer Dickhead called for back up.
To the shock and amazement of the niggers, the officers select a person who was not driving for arrest and proceed to hassle him. The nigger gets pissed and figures that, since they forgot to search him, he may as well shoot them with the gun he has stashed.
Three wasted lives for a worthless check. An African American goes from poor person to murderer in the span of a few seconds, all because the cops were eager to make an arrest. The cops go from racist assholes to dead in the same time span.
I hope it was worth it to recoup that worthless check.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Border Patrol Shoots 15 Year Old Mexican Teen
The Border Patrol murdered a fifteen year old Mexican, allegedly trying to enter the country illegally.
The Border Patrol immediately issued a lie, stating that the youth was throwing rocks at Border Agents and deadly force had to be used. Their lives were in danger for Christ's sake.
Cellphone video clearly indicates that the youth was running away and was across the border into Mexico when the Agent shot him in the back.
A cover-up has been launched to hide to truth.
Why is it that although pictures don't lie an investigation has to be conducted anyway. The agent goes free to sit at home drinking beer with pay while the victims family mourns and bears funeral expenses.
Thanks to the Arizona Immigration law it's open season on Mexicans. Whether they are here legally or illegally it's shoot first and ask questions later. Hell, Gov. Jan Brewer has declared them all drug mules.
One day Mexicans will realize that they will never be accepted as equals by white America. They will pass laws, shoot people, erect fences, and conduct raids. Anything to keep the Mexicans out and prevent minorities from taking over this country. Blacks have already been banned from entering. Native Indians have been murdered down to acceptable levels. Asian people no long wish to come here.
The only remaining threat is the Mexicans, so why not shoot them in the back.
Border fence,
Border Patrol,
Mexican Americans,
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Helen Thomas Calls White House Response To Flotilla Assault "Pitiful"
This is why no administration likes Helen Thomas. She spoke the truth and did not give a shit who got mad. I guess 50 years of hearing lies in response to valid questions was enough.
The nation and the world will sorely miss Helen Thomas.
Helen Thomas Forced To Retire Over Israel Remarks
I guess the old saying, "tell the truth, then leave immediately" is really true.
One day after telling the truth about Israels' continued occupation of Palestine, Helen Thomas was vilified, crucified, and denigrated by every media outlet in the US. A 50 year career was destroyed in a matter of moments by the Jewish media and banking mafioso.
Telling the Jews to go back to Poland, Germany and eastern Europe is the same thing Palestinians have been saying for decades. The Jews never came from Jerusalem. Sure, the lived there in small numbers over 2,000 years ago, however, even then they shared the land.
Forcing Helen Thomas to resign is a travesty. They hated the fact that she told the truth and was too old to give a damn what anyone thought. Enjoy your retirement Helen and tell the world to kiss your ass.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Rape On The Reservation
I watched this documentary the other day on Current TV.
While the documentary was thought provoking and sad, it failed to deal with the root cause of violence against women on the Pine Ridge reservation.
Sure, unemployment is extremely high. Alcoholism is rampant. The teens have no activities. No job training. Housing is horrible.
The root cause, however, of the prevalence of violence against women is the sexual violence suffered by the parents and grand-parents at the hands of teachers and administrators at Indian Boarding schools from the early 1900s until the late 1960s.
Indian children were taken away from their families and driven hundreds of miles away to boarding schools from the age of 8. They were forbidden to speak their language, forced to cut their hair, forced to change their names, separated from siblings, and forbidden to see their relatives.
The children were often sexually abused and could not report or speak out about their abuse. The children were often brutally beaten if they embraced any part of their culture. The teachers and administration officials were never charged with crimes or even transferred in most cases. The abuse went on unabated for decades.
As a result, thousands of Indian men and women are continuing this cycle of abuse. They have no idea what a healthy relationship looks like because most have never seen one. People sometimes drink to forget, and Indians have a lot to forget.
Jailing the youth is not the answer. The only recourse for Native people is to return to Native values. This is difficult considering most tribes would have to rebuilt their cultures from scratch. The old generation of warriors like Russell Means, Denis Banks, John Trudell, and Red Crow are passing into history without being replaced. Warrior Societies are no more.
While prosecution of offenders and women's' self help groups are good starts, tracing back the cycle of abuse and holding people accountable would be more effective.
Native Americans,
Rape on the Reservation
Outrage In Turkey At Israeli Murders
Autopsies conducted on the 9 victims revealed that all died due to gunshot wounds. Some of the gunshots were at extremely close range, between 2 and 14 cm from the victims head. One victim was shot multiple times in the head and body.
Since the activists had no guns and no soldiers were killed this international crime can only be viewed as murder. Every nation in the world seems to recognize this fact, except the good ole USA. The US has called for an independent investigation of cold blooded murder.
Even after the investigation, which will attempt to find fault with the activists to somehow justify murder, nothing will happen. No sanctions. No arrests. No lifting of the blockade. Nothing.
Gazans will continue to have their infrastructure bombed, their leaders assassinated, their schools destroyed, and their children starved.
All in the name of Jesus.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Spike Lee Tells Obama To "Go Off" On BP
Now that everyone has weighed in on the BP disaster, Spike Lee adds his two cents.
Saying that the President needs to "go off" on BP plays into the hands of the republican critics.
The interesting thing is that everybody has a suggestion, but, no one has any idea how to shut off the oil. Not the President, Spike Lee, Glen Beck, or Bobby Jindal. They all scream loudly that the President should do something, but what? No technical expertise, just misdirected anger.
Where were these angry voices when New Orleans was drowning, Iraqis were tortured and the deficit ballooned?
The other day a white man looking at his newspaper said to me, "boy, man is really destroying this planet." The truth is, the white man is destroying this planet. Native Africans and Native Americans never had environmental problems until the arrival of the white man. 30 million buffalo were reduced to a few thousand. Rhinos, elephants, and lions were hunted to near extinction. Air pollution and water pollution killed millions of birds and fish. Strip mining and oil drilling destroyed thousands of acres of habitat for endangered animals. Every animal with fur was hunted to near extinction in North America.
Unless Anderson Cooper and Spike Lee have an ironclad answer on reducing the oil flow, they need to shut the fuck up. Either be part of the problem or part of the solution. Spikes solution, for the President to get mad, accomplishes nothing.
However, it pleases the white man to see the Black President criticized by Black people. Thanks Spike.
Republicans Compare BP Oil Spill To Katrina
In another attempt to disparage the Obama administration, Republicans have compared the government response to the BP oil spill the Bush's response to Hurricane Katrina.
Although the comparison is ludicrous, media outlets continue to report on the spill like it is a national crises. They banner their news casts with "Day 44" like the hostage crises in Iran. They show pictures of floating oil and soaked birds as if the end of the world was fast approaching. Then they cry out, "where is the President?"
It's all bullshit!
First, there is no comparison between HURRICANE Katrina and the BP Oil spill. Over 1500 citizens lost their lives in Katrina, only 11 at the BP oil rig. Thousands of people lost their homes and businesses from all walks of life in Katrina. So far a few fishermen and shrimpers have reported lost income, but, they still have their lives and homes.
Katrina was a natural disaster. The National Weather Service gave plenty of warning. The state and city and federal governments failed to evacuate the old, poor and sick. Left prisoners and hospital patients to drown. Sent the National guard to shoot survivors trying to find food and water. Failed to provide the money and resources to rebuild.
The BP oil spill is entirely a man made disaster. The government had no advance warning. Has no oil drilling or capping equipment in it's budget. Has no "Department of Oil" that deals with oil spills. Is overspent on it's budget while BP makes billions in profit each quarter.
A few oily birds and unemployed shrimpers is the same as a thousand drowned niggers I guess.
The Republicans have repeatedly blamed Obama for the entire mess.
The President has accepted responsibility for the mess, while sending the Justice Department down to determine if criminal charges are forthcoming for BP. Meanwhile Republicans like Bobby Jindal, who refused federal bailout money, are now screaming for federal money like a crack addicts. The same teabaggers who wanted the federal government out private business are now crying for federal help.
From the beginning President Obama should have told BP that someones ass would be thrown in jail for every day the oil leaked. They would sit their asses in jail until the leak was stopped and the oil cleaned up.
That is the only way Obama can assume responsibility for this ongoing mess. The government does not posses the technical expertise or equipment to stop the leak.
They do have plenty of jails.
German Flotilla Activists Speak Out
No one believes Arabs. They all lie.
But, Germans! They are white folk. Honest as the day is long. Pure as driven snow.
However, you can only believe 50% of what they say. They were hanging out with Arabs after all.
US News Puts Biased Spin On Israeli Assault
The US media would have you believe the the Israeli Army was perfectly justified in killing unarmed activists because some of their members were beaten and stabbed.
The activists had no right to defend themselves while being mowed down with automatic weapons. Fighting back with metal poles, tools, and pocket knives are the same as fighting back with guns. If you are treated as if you are armed, why not be armed?
The American media is attempting to polish the turd dropped by Israel by demonizing the activists, even though every action they took was legal and peaceful. The same things were said about peaceful protesters in the 60s. Freedom Riders, marchers, and people attempting to vote were beaten and killed by police and charged with disturbing the peace and resisting arrest.
The lack of a response by the government or Black leaders is appalling. Obama is proving to be no friend of the Arab world and liberal leaders are afraid to speak out for fear of losing the Jewish vote, and money.
Meanwhile innocent people are killed trying to keep the people of Gaza from starving. Shameful.
Israel Attacks Gaza Aid Ship
The Israeli Defense Forces attacked aid ships bound for Gaza in international waters resulting in the deaths of at least 8 activists and the detention of over 500.
There has been little US media coverage of this criminal action and a tepid response from the White House, calling for an international investigation. Add this investigation to the war crimes investigations for the invasions of Lebanon, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and you can produce enough paper to wipe the asses of every US citizen. Ridiculous!
The activists were trying to deliver medical supplies, books, food, and cement to rebuild the infrastructure of Gaza. To prevent that, Israel attacked the ships in international waters. I guess there are pirates on the high seas.
Where is the outrage? Why are Arab countries sitting idly by while a brother nation is being strangled to death at the hands of a minority? Why have Arab nations not organized their own flotilla to break the illegal blockade?
Organizations like the Taliban and Al Qaeda exist because most Arab leaders are pussies. Leaders like Qaddafi, Mubarak, and Assad talk a great game, but when their people really need them to step up and fight for them, they compromise and kow tow.
Arab nations should be organizing a flotilla so big that the Israelis would have to stop 100 ships and kill 1,000 people to stop it. Then the outcry would be overwhelming and no nation could stand by and watch as Israel continued to violate international law.
But, pussies meow. They never roar.
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