Friday, July 31, 2009
Racists Kill Black Man in Paris, Texas
The New Black Panthers faced down racists in Paris, Texas, a town famous for lynchings during the Klan heyday.
While I don't agree with all of the tenets of the New Black Panthers, I am glad to see that they have embraced self defense and are unafraid of cops and klansmen (at least until someone gets shot).
Brother james Byrd was dragged to his death by racists, who got life in prison instead of death. Texas is still a racist state. Blacks and Hispanics are treated as second class citizens throughout the state. In an area where the Comanche once ruled, none are to be found.
Where is our Black Attorney General and President when we really need them? Are they afraid to stick their necks out for racial justice because of how it may appear to whites.
One day one of these demonstrations will explode in violence and innocent people will be killed. then maybe the federal government will pay attention and investigate racial killings and hate crimes.
Racist Cop Rewarded With White House Visit
Officer Stupid Crowley was rewarded for his arrest of the President's friend with a dinner, tour, and beer at the White House. Something Jeremiah Wright will never recieve. The President and Dr. Gates even included VP Joe Biden, so Officer Stupid would not feel outnumbered.
In the end, this idiot still could not admit that he made a mistake in arresting a man in his own home for no reason other than he could. Further meetings with a moron only makes you a moron for wasting your time. Dr. Gates has nothing to apologize for, yet he has continually kissed the ass of the Cambridge Police.
Stop reaching out a hand to people who consider you a "jungle Bunny". Use the tools available. Start suing people. Organize a protest. STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHTS DR.GATES!
Sgt. Crowley should be called stupid every time he leaves the house. He should be personally held liable for his arrest and harrassment of Dr. Gates. He should never be allowed to carry a gun or badge again. Stupid Ass!
Boston Cops Slur Gates
If this is not evidence of racism in the Boston Police Department, what is? Notice, no one who recieved an email turned in this asshole. The Police department is embarrased that they got caught. They should be investigating now to find out who recieved and FORWARDED the email.
It should be obvious to all that racism is systemic in Boston and Cambridge. Officer (stupid) Crowley did'nt even have the decency to admit that he MIGHT have been wrong in front of the President, Vice-President, and Dr. Gates. That it took a summit with the President of the free world to attempt to resolve a disorderly conduct arrest is absurd. I guess since the Mayor, Govenor, and Attorney General took no action, it was up to Obama to resolve a "stupid" incident.
Where is Eric Holder, Jesse Jackson,or Al Sharpton now. This department sickens me as it should the entire nation. Poor Dr. Gates not only gets arrested in his own home, is insulted by racist cops, and gets no apology. He should be suing the SHIT out of all concerned!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin- AKA H. Rap Brown
This weeks Real Freedom Fighter is Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin AKA H. Rap Brown.
Born October 4, 1943 in Baton Rouge Louisiana. He became known as H. Rap Brown during the early 60s. His activism in the civil rghts movement included involvement with the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), of which he was named chairman in 1967. That same year, he was arrested in Cambridge, Maryland, and charged with inciting to riot as a result of a fiery speech he gave there. He left SNCC and joined the Black Panther Party in 1968 where he later assumed the position of Minister of Justice.
He is perhaps most famous for his proclamation that "violence is as American as cherry pie."
After 18 months in hiding on trumped up federal charges, he was convicted of robbery in 1971 and sent to Attica Prison where he converted to Islam. After his release, he opened a Grocery store in Atlanta, Georgia and became a spiritual leader and community activist preaching against drugs and gambling in the West End neighborhood.
On March 16, 2000 two Atlanta police officers went to Brother Al-Amins' grocery store to serve a warrant for failure to appear in court on a traffic citiation for speeding and impersonating a police officer (he had showed a badge he recieved from the city for cleaning up the West End). A shootout took place resulting in the death of one police officer and the wounding of another.
Two years later Al-Amin was convicted of thirteen criminal charges and sentenced to life in prison. Since his conviction, his supporters have asserted that another man, Otis Jackson, who confessed to the shooting (but later recanted) is the real shooter. Brother Al-Amin was transferred from state to federal custody as Georgia officials decided he was too high-profile an inmate for the Georgia prison system.
Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin is currently serving time at the ADX Florence supermax prison in Florence, Colorado. Show him some love!
Black Panthers,
Freedom Fighter,
H. Rap. Brown,
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Brother Malcolm X On the Police
Dr. Henry Louis Gates, meet Malcolm X from 40 years ago. Sound familiar?
Dick Gregory On Obama
Lest we forget the Godfather of all Black comedians has been doing it for over 50 years and is still just as relevant.
A true Freedom Fighter and one of the very best. Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, and Dennis Miller get TV shows to showcase their stupidity. The world fears Dick Gregory
Hispanics Keep Out
I love it when racists put on their robes and patrol in plain sight. Granted, this 70 year old bitch can put any sign she wants on her house. The neighbors can also put up signs saying "No Gringo 70 Year Old Bitches". They might also refuse to help her if someone not so tolerate stops by. I wonder what would happen if she had a heart attack and the EMTs were Hispanic? Would they stand at the fence and wait for white paramedics to show up?
What a dumbass. Thank God the 21st century will take care of her once and for all!
Friday, July 24, 2009
President Obama Retreats From Racism
I guess the President has to apologize to the white cops just so he can pass health care? He must turn a blind eye to blatant discrimination for the good of all? Eliminate the distractions so the poor can visit doctors? Sell out a friend so he can quiet the conservatives? What the @#$@? He never said the Cambridge police were racist, only stupid. As stated in my earlier post, not all police are racist AND stupid. Some are racist. Some are stupid. Some are racist AND stupid. Stupid is as stupid does. The police did something stupid.
I say screw em! No justice, no peace. Here is where Jesse or Al should pick up the mantle for the President, lead the fight for Dr. Gates and let the President fight for Health Care.
Of course Jesse wants to cut his nuts off and Al is pissed that he is not the first Black President. But, thats another story.
Cambridge Police,
Henry Louis Gates,
Canbridge Police Refuse To Apologize For Stupidity
The Cambridge Police and Officer Crowley refused to apologize to Dr. Gates, even though the President of the United States said they behaved "stupidly". It just goes to show you that the word of a Black man, either professor or President, means nothing compared to a white police officer. Now Police across the country are supporting the Cambridge Police against the President, even though he has been one of their biggest supporters with the stimulus package keeping more of them on the streets. That this one arrest would expose so many issues is mind boogling.
First. The scenario. Black man arrives home from a trip to China! Regardless of who he is, he is tired and ready to see home. Tries to open the front door and finds it jammed. Goes around back, uses his key, and enters. Shuts off the alarm, and proceeds, with the help of his driver (unfortunately another Black man)try to fix the front door. He still needs to use it after all. After trying a few minutes, gives up, tips the driver and calls the property company to fix the door. So far so good. Here is where the "stupidity" begins.
A concerned neighbor, seeing two Black men on a porch trying to open the door, calls the Cambridge Police Dept., who show up while the tired, 58 year old, Black Professor is ON THE PHONE with his property management company. I'm sure he came to the door and quickly explained that he lived there and was on the phone. At this point the cop had every right to ask for I.D., not to ask him to step outside his own home. When Dr. Gates went to retrieve his I.D., the cop FOLLOWED him inside the home, without asking permission. Dr. Gates had every right to be upset as he is repeatedly being asked to step outside while showing his I.D. He asks for the Badge Number of the cop, is never told, and upon stepping onto his own porch, is arrested and handcuffed for disorderly conduct. I guess the conduct occurred while in his home alone. No matter how mad Dr. Gates was no one has indicated that he used loud, profane, or indecent language. Only demanded to know why he was being treated as a criminal in his own home. Long story short. Booked and mugged, signs a statement saying the incident was not a reflection of the Cambridge Gestapo, charges dropped.
Profs. Eric Dyson and Boyce Watkins were on CNN American Morning today and raised some interesting points.
Prof Watkins defended the police stating that Dr. Gates, "could have been a husband breaking into his own house" and that the cop had a right to be concerned for his safety. That the incident was not racist at all, simply good police work. His father was a cop, so I can see his (stupid) perspective kinda. But, how many burgulars, robbers, or thieves shut off the alarm and use the phone? An old man with a cane, luggage all around? What are you, STUPID? Once he presented his ID there was no need to arrest him. As a cop you should have better things to do than arrest college professors for talking shit. But Dr. Gates "sassed" him. Can't be having that now can we?
Prof Dyson raised a far more interesting point. What if Dr. Gates had been Henry Kissinger returning home from a long trip. A Black police Officer showed up and arrested him, and George Bush defended Henry Kissinger during a press conference. Everyones head exploded! Good job Eric! I doubt if any police or mayors would come out in support of the Black officer, no matter what Kissinger called him. The scenario is innapropriate however, as a Black officer would never be this stupid. He would lose his job before he could get back to the station.
Black intellectuals are shocked and amazed that someone of Dr. Gates stature could be racially profiled and arrested in his own home. Black and Hispanic poor people knew it all along. White "liberals" can't admit on television that the whole incident was racist, on television, and want to hear "all the facts". That's white mans tounge for water it down through false accusations and forget about it.
It is also appalling that Dr. Gates signed a statement saying that the incident was not a reflection of the police department or city, when they are saying they did nothing wrong. In addition, Officer Stupid is in charge of training other officers in avoiding racial profiling. More like how to avoid getting caught, while racial profiling. Any good officer would have asked if Dr. Gates required anything further and been on his way to fight real crime, or eat doughnuts. Probably doughnuts.
Welcome to the real world Dr. Gates. Just be glad they didn't sprinkle crack on you and shoot you!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Michael Jackson Pepsi Fiasco
This video proves that Michael Jackson was better than all pop stars, even while on fire! This video also spelled the end of the Geri-Curl for good. Mike's kids should be getting a nickle from every Pepsi sold from now until the end of time.
Rush Limbaugh took thousands of pain pills for a little back pain. It did'nt effect his ability to spew venom over the airways one second. Imagine if his head had caught fire! He would surely be dead now.
Rest in Peace King of Pop. Lord knows you deserve it.
Graham (Cracker) Supports Sotomayor
Lindsey Graham, who can't even say S O T O M A Y O R announced his intention to vote for her confirmation as "the path of least resistance" He did'nt say it is an honor to vote for the first Hispanic justice. Or that she was SUPREMELY qualified, only repeating the ABA certification of WELL qualified. That Obama won, and winning has it's consequences. I'm sure the esteemed Ms. Sotomayor would rather do without such a tepid endorsement from a hillbilly that can't pronounce. or spell her name. Who asked the stupidest questions about her positions on abortion, gun control, and Gay marriage, (even though he is rumored to be Gay).
He sounds like a hypocrite, trying to salvage some shred of dignity in the Hispanic community. His vote is insincere and non-consequential. Meaningless to all concerned. I just hope and pray that one day Lindsey will be exposed for what he truly is, a Gay Republican Hypocrite!
It's OK to be Gay, I just can't stand hypocrites!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
3 Black Men Acquitted After Police Beating in Philly
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The three victims of this vicious Police beating in Philadelphia were stopped on suspicion of a police shooting. All three were dragged from the car, beaten by up to sixteen officers, and charged with a crime they did not commit.
All three were acquitted of any crime.
I posted this simply because Philadelphia sucks. It remains one of the most racist, divided cities in the country. From bombing the MOVE headquaters/home, to denying Blacks and Latinos to swim in pools, to beating the hell out of Black men in the middle of the street, not much has changed in the city of brotherly love. Even the Black Police officers have filed suit against the Police Department for a racist website, run by a white officer, called
I'm placing Philadelphia on my list of cities to avoid. The food is ok, but the people suck.
Henry Louis Gates A Victim Of Racial Profiling
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What do you call a Black man with a Phd.? Nigger! I guess even Henry Louis Gates Jr. is not immune from racial profiling. Just goes to show you that if Barack Obama were not President, even he could fall victim to a racist cop on a power trip.
The south used to employ Night Riders and Paddy Rollers to patrol the roads looking for runaway slaves. If slaves were caught without papers from their master they would be beaten and sometimes killed. Now they use Police.
Some people think there are two types of people in the Black community. Hard working Blacks and Niggers. Even some Black people have bought into this theory (i.e. Chris Rock). As the old civil rights workers used to say " we might have come over in different ships, but we're in the same boat now". Sorry Dr. gates had to learn the hard way.
Boston Police have always been racist. I guess a Black man having the nerve to say he lives in Cambridge was just a little too much.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Blacks Are Getting Fatter
A new study by the Center For Disease Control indicates that 36% of all black people are considered obese. I would probably have to agree with that satistic. The next time you are in a mall, airport, or bus terminal, take a good look at the asses of the black people walking by. Many are huge. Some women have convinced themselves that their fat ass looks good.
There are many reasons why blacks a disproportionately obese. First, we were forced to eat the worst food imaginable for over 400 years. Cornpone, neckbones, pigs feet, chitterlings. If slaves were caught with ham or chicken they were severely beaten. After slavery, blacks gained access to better food, were able to raise crops and hunt. They often ate to excess when food was available because you never knew when it would be available again. Because spices were scarce, most vegtables were seasoned with fatback.
Currently, Blacks are still at the bottom of the economic ladder resulting in higher consumption of cheap, fast food. The CDC need only visit a Black or Carribean owned supermarket to see why we are so obese. The meat department features neckbones, pigs feet, oxtail, chicken feet,and chitterlings. It is cheap and plentiful. Fatback is sold by the pound. The Black neighborhoods are filled with liquor stores, fried chicken joints, and BBQ stands. The churches sell fried catfish on Saturdays for the building fund.
And it all tastes GREAT!
Republicans Blow it In Sotomayor Hearings

Three cheers for Sonia! She did'nt lose it after three days of ridiculous questions by Republicans. Some of the questios made the Republicans look racists, some like assholes. It is interesting to note that most of the questions came from Republican senators with few voting Hispanics in their states. Jeff Sessions has probably never even eaten Mexican food. The Hispanic population in Arizona, where John Kyl hails, are largely migrant workers. They still shoot hispanics in South Carolina and Utah, where Lindsey Graham and Orrin Hatch come from. You can almost picture all four of these Senators in white robes, riding white horses, leading a group of night riders through a black town in the 1930's. This does nothing but increase the democrats stranglehold on the hispanic vote for 2012.
How dare this uppity spic judge say she could make better decisions than the white men who upheld slavery, Jim Crow laws, segregation, lynchings, treaty violations and genocide. I hope to God she would make better decisions! She should never have to apologize for her race, her sex, or her background. Anyone who says they don't bring their life experiences into any job would be lying. Calling this fine judge racist is the ultimate insult, one she should never have had to endure. It is far worse than the "pot calling the kettle black" because in this case the kettle is gold.
Horray for Sonia Sotomayor! Now please, put your foot firmly in the ass of Clarence Thomas!
5 Cops Shot In Jersey City
Now that the major drug turf wars are over and gang wars are out of style. The thugs are now turning their weapons on the boys in blue. Increasingly, criminals are engaging in high speed chases and shootouts to avoid going to our overcrowded prisons and jails.
For years the black and latino communities have been dumping grounds for cheap automatic and semi-automatic weapons. Everything was fine as long as the weapons were being used to kill each other over drug profits that would eventually reach the banks, lawyers, and politicians that were profiting after each and every shooting.
The drug gangs finally wised up and learned how to make money quietly, just like the bootleggers and mafia of old. Now all of these guns are on the street in the hands of young thugs. The new breed is more violent because, in most cases, they have already experienced prison and the criminal justice system. They have no job, education, or training once free and therefore, no future. Violence is there only certainty.
Police nationwide are not prepared to deal with this 21st century thug. These thugs are better armed than any before, smarter, and more violent. The SWAT and Bull Connor tactics of the 70's won't work anymore. Brains will! What happened to negotiate first, shoot second. The first officer was wounded in the leg. Hardly any reason to bust in blasting.
A "Stop Snitching" program was initiated in the Black and Latino communities in the late 90's because many were tired of seeing young men and women locked up at four times the rate for whites. The campaign has now shifted from stop snitching to "start shooting". Maybe now is a good time to review those gun laws.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Israel Commits War Crimes-Why We Should Care
For the last 60 years, the United States and most of the western world have had a love affair with the state of Israel. Any person, black or white, who denounces Israel for any of it's actions is labled anti-semetic, is banned from radio and television, and is never seen or heard from publicly again. Does anyone ever ask why?
I remember watching with the rest of the world in horror as Israel invaded Lebanon in the 1980's and again in 2006. I was sickned when the Israel Defense Forces allowed Christian mititias into Palestinian refugee camps to slaughter thousands of harmless refugees in Chabra and Chatilla. No person was ever charged with this heinous war crime while Charles Taylor sits before a tribunal in the Hague.
The plight of the Palestinian is very much like the plight of our own Native Americans. The Palestinians have lived in the area west of the Jordan River for thousands of years. Shortly after WW I the area was governed by the British as part of their imperial empire. The British decided, as part of their mandate, to establich a Jewish homeland in the area, with full consideration for the civil rights of the Arab population. The Arabs staged a revolt due to the increased immigration of Jews to the area. Just like the Native Americans, the Palestinians were denied the right to control who entered their own country. The Jews were flooding the country and were given better resources, like schools, hospitals, and banks. After WW II, the Western powers felt sorry for the Jews who had been the victims of genocide in Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic and Russia. As a result, the British ended their occupation in 1948, but not before voting in the UN to create a Jewish state right along the coast, including half of Jeruselem. No single Arab or Muslim nation voted for the resolution. They declared war on the Jewish state. However, due to superior training and equipment by the British and US forces, the Jews were able to defeat the Arab forces, drive three million into exile, and continue to build settlements with impunity. Any Arabs who protest are either assasinated, have their homes destroyed, or driven into exile. Sound familiar? The same thing happened to the Native Americans here.
The Americans have set the tone with Israel. They have demonstrated that you can invade any country you wish if you percieve them as a threat. Torture anyone you like. Wiretap and assasinate anyone you wish. All in the name of national security. The Palestinians have no jets, tanks, APCs, or even flak jackets. They are fighting for their land with rifles, rocks, and poorly made rockets. Much like the bows, arrows, rifles and slings of our Native people. The Palestinians have no united front to assist them with anything other than good wishes. Syria, Egypt, Jordan and Iraq do not assist them when they are enduring massive air and ground attacks meant to destroy their will to resist. Just as no nation assisted the Lakota, Apache, Navajo, Creek, and Cheyenne as their land was being stolen.
Now the Israelis are using Palestianians as human shields because they failed to get any to collaborate with them. The United States and Western powers have said nothing. The International Criminal Court of Justice has filed no charges. And somewhere, Charles Taylor is pissed!
I guess the reason the US and western powers blindly agree with any action taken by Israel is because we generally worship a Jew who we think will someday return. For Him to return, the Christians and Jews must control Jeruselem so that Jesus has a place to set up shop. It also makes it easier to visit the Holy Sites when you don't have to deal with any dirty stinking Arabs. The western powers have also determined that no Arab countries can have nuclear power, or weapons. Israel has nuclear weapons and power plants yet, the UN never demands inspections. The Palestinian leaders with any backbone are isolated, assasinated, or exiled. We never ask why because we know the reason, free land for Jesus!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Dave Chappelle on Michael Jackson
I thought Dave's views on the Michael jackson trial were right on point. Think of how many people, and governments benefited by his untimely death on June 25, 2009.
The Iranian Government- all protests stopped the week Michael died and resumed immediately after the memorial service. I guess the opposition watches American TV.
The Honduran Military- Staged a coup and nobody noticed.
Sen. Mark Sanford- Everybody forgot about his affair with a babe from Argentina and running away from the state and his wife and kids for seven days. He will probably remain in office thanks to Mike!
Sen. John Ensign- Had an affair with his campaign manager's wife and finally had to own up to it. All was blowing over, thanks to Mike, until this idiot revealed that he had paid "her family" over $96,000. Can you imagine how many hookers he could have had?
North Korea- Nobody is paying attention as they fire off missles, jam our computers, and hold our journalists. They can't figure out why because they have no televisions.
Steve McNair- Shot while sleeping by his crazy mistress.
Billy Mays- Annoying Man is Dead
Not to mention the media which continues to have a field day speculating about the father of Michael's kids, what drugs he took and how much money he had.
No rest for the famous.
Grave Robbers of the 21st Century
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I have heard of devious ways to make money before, but, this takes the cake! I lived in Chicago in the late 70's and early 80's. I have many relatives still there, although those who died had the good sense to be buried elsewhere. There were cases of funeral homes reselling caskets. They would sell expensive caskets to grieving family members, display the casket at the funeral, then put the body in a cheap casket (or no casket at all) and bury it. Once buried it would never be discovered.
One has to ask, did the families ever visit the gravesites of the loved ones they grieve over now? This shit went on for four years? They were only discovered after someone from the inside snitched, probably because they failed to get a cut. Did the families ever go to the cemetery on special occasions and lay flowers or pray?
I think expensive burials should become a thing of the past. Cemeteries take up lots of space, are often vandalized, seldom visited, and expensive to maintain. Cremation should be the law. It is least expensive, there is no plot or cemetery to maintain and it is space efficient.
The employees who did this were only pursuing the American Dream. Hell, $300,000 in four years for four associates works out to a nice chunk of change. Not to shabby for a gravedigger. Sure they belong in prison and will probably burn in hell, but, there is sure to be a movie of the week and book deal for somebody here. The dead never knew what happened and the living didn't care. At least they weren't selling drugs to the living or shooting people, making them dead.
The moral of the story is, Either visit your dead relatives or dig them up.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Philadelphia Pool Refuses Black and Hispanic Kids
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Just goes to show you racism isn't restricted to adults. Of course, the club sent out a letter saying the kids changed the "complexion of the club". They were too racist to allow the kids to swim even one day per week, even though the daycare paid in advance and the club is hurting for members.
The Mayor, District Attorney, Governors Office, or Justice Department should be actively investigating this club and should close it until further notice. If our kids are not allowed to swim there, none should.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Moving Farewell to Michael
This has to go down as the most moving memorial service ever witnessed on a global scale. The tributes were moving, the performances fantastic, the setting surreal. Al Sharpton summed up the views of Michael's legions of fans,family and friends around the world. Michael's daughter Paris moved the whole world to tears.
Now, let the vultures feast on his bones! The same vultures who had been circling for years now have a clean shot at fresh meat. The news media, the ex-wife, the creditors, the family, and law enforcement. let's take a look at each of these parasites.
The Media- Tops among all bloodsuckers! The media that hounded Michael Jackson in life now has open season to make any unfounded accusation it wants to. They aleady started by repeatedly telling everyone that Jackson was deeply in debt, without producing any financial information other than speculation. They are spreading rumors that he died of a drug overdose, without any information from the Coroner. They are already harassing Debbie Rowe, the ex-wife, to get custody of those white kids, just so they can broadcast a circus from the courthouse. All while making money from advertisers and sponser. Every time Michael Jackson is mentioned viewership goes up. They don't even need facts!
The Ex-Wives- Debbie Rowe is already being hounded by the media to reclaim those white kids from that Black family, and get the trust money right now. There is also money to be made talking about Michaels' sex life and personal behavior. Although she has given up custody for money, twice, the media seems to think there is controversy here, so wind her up. Lisa Marie Presley can now go over all the sordid details of her marriage to Michael, since she had no role in the memorial. Look for a book deal in the coming months.
The Creditors- Look for the creditors to line up immediately and ask that assets be sold, below value, to satisfy debts. Look for Sony to try to gain complete control of the Beetles catalog, now that the price is right.
Law Enforcement- The LAPD and District Attorney's office have been after Michael Jackson for a decade. They trumped up molestation charges, using a family with zero credibility to ruin Michael jackson's reputation, financially bankrupt him, and put him in jail. Now these assholes overestimated the crowds for the memorial service, spent between $3 million and $6 million in police overtime, then had the nerve to ask the family to pay for it! What DICKS! They never asked the public or family of Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, or Frank Sinatra to pay for shit. They did'nt seem too concerned about money when they spent millions on the wrongful prosecution of an innocent man! Michael Jackson did not recieve one dime back from the enormous legal fees he incurred. Screw the POLICE! No kid ever said that Michael Jackson screwed them, performed a sex act on them, or took revealing pictures of them. Michael Jackson was prosecuted, a hundred priests were not.
The Family- The brothers Jackson are overjoyed that they no longer have to ask little brother for money. They can just ask their 85 year old mother instead. They need money for ex-wives and bad business decisions. Joe is overjoyed that he can continue to beat out all the money he needs for cheap suits.
I am sure there will be others. Dancers will say they came up with all of his moves. Musicians will say they wrote or produced songs they did not write.
Where there is money, I'll be there!
Oklahoma Keystone Cops
Not all cops are racist and stupid. Some are racist, some are stupid, and some are racist AND stupid. Like this idiot.
He harassed an EMT on his way to the hospital with a patient inside, just because he had the power to do so. In addition, he got the support from his police chief and was not suspended, fired or reprimanded. The cops had to place himself on paid leave. The EMT was not arrested or given a citation.
Watch out in Oklahoma. If the Highway Patrol is this stupid, what are the local cops like?
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Congressman Peter King Let's His Klan Robe Show
What a Jerk. Instead of joining the nation in mourning a musical legend and credit to our country, this asshole slams the King of Pop for unproven charges and accusations. I guess if you can't hang a man legally, slander him after he is dead.
Jerks like this are the reason Michael jackson left the country, his ranch, and his family after the trial. He knew he would always be judged by people who never take responsibility for their own lives. Almost financially ruined, hounded by press, fans,creditors, promoters, leeches, blood-suckers and family members, death must be a welcome release.
Rest in peace Michael Jackson
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