Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Graham (Cracker) Supports Sotomayor

Lindsey Graham, who can't even say S O T O M A Y O R announced his intention to vote for her confirmation as "the path of least resistance" He did'nt say it is an honor to vote for the first Hispanic justice. Or that she was SUPREMELY qualified, only repeating the ABA certification of WELL qualified. That Obama won, and winning has it's consequences. I'm sure the esteemed Ms. Sotomayor would rather do without such a tepid endorsement from a hillbilly that can't pronounce. or spell her name. Who asked the stupidest questions about her positions on abortion, gun control, and Gay marriage, (even though he is rumored to be Gay).

He sounds like a hypocrite, trying to salvage some shred of dignity in the Hispanic community. His vote is insincere and non-consequential. Meaningless to all concerned. I just hope and pray that one day Lindsey will be exposed for what he truly is, a Gay Republican Hypocrite!

It's OK to be Gay, I just can't stand hypocrites!

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