Sunday, August 30, 2009
Cheney Believes Torture Probe A Political Move
Now that Eric Holder has unleashed the power of prosecution, the Republicans are running scared. Cheney called the decision to look into CIA abuses a "terrible decision", "clearly a political move." Today on Meet the Press, John McCain said that the country should "look forward, not backwards, as the President said." He spoke about how harmful that would be to the CIA and Bush Administration officials. Not once have Cheney, McCain, or any Republican mentioned justice for the hundreds of individuals who were tortured unjustly at the hands of the government.
Cheney has been on the offensive since he left office, knowing one day this might happen. He has attacked the conservative news networks with insinuations of how torturing a few individuals saved thousands of lives, without going into specifics. He never mentions who authorized Khaled-sheik Mohammed to be waterboarded 183 times, just takes credit for it.
Now that a special prosecutor has been unleashed on his ass he is scrambling for allies. George Bush has been laying low in Texas. Rumsfield cannot be seen in public without someone yelling war criminal. Condelezza Rice is keeping an extremely low profile, and no current Republican can come to their defense without hurting the party's chances for a comeback in 2012. Looks like Cheney is going to be the fall guy. Darth Vader falls down the reactor. The empire falls with him.
Tribute To Uncle Teddy
Senator Edward Moore Kennedy
Took a Stand for
Healthcare Reform
Civil Rights
The Disabled
The Dispossesed
Womens Rights
Equal Pay
Minimum Wage Increases
Gay Rights
Took a Stand Against
The Iraq War
Rest In Peace. The Democrats will miss you as will the world.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Attorney General Probes Torture
At last the Obama administration is looking into claims of torture by the CIA under the Bush/Cheney rule. After convicting low level Sargents, Privates, and Corporals it is time to go after the main criminals responsible for this idiotic and illegal policy. We have American prisoners in Iraq and Afganistan who will probably be tortured because Muslim prisoners are routinely tortured here.
It should come as no surprise that the same government that condoned slavery, genocide, and disenfranchisement for 400 years would turn to torture the first opportunity that presented itself. After all these aren't white people. They're Arabs. Muslims, not Christians. We have every right to torture them. They aren't even covered by the Geneva convention.
Hold these assholes accountable! George Tenet, Donald Rumsfield, Dick Cheney, Condelezza Rice, and George Bush should be in jail this very minute while investigations take place. Their list of crimes is certainly long enough. They leaked the name of a CIA agent to the press. They wiretapped thousands of American citizens illegally. They rendered individuals to foreign countries without charge to be tortured. They lied about weapons of mass destruction. Invaded a coutry that posed no threat resulting in the loss of thousands of American lives. Murdered thousands of Iraqis by bombing schools, hospitals and mosques. Tortured prisoners at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib.
Plaxico Burress shot himself in the ass and has to do two years in prison. Bill Clinton got a blowjob and lied about it and was almost impeached. Where is the justice?
Let Eric Holder off the chain. Appoint a special prosecutor like Ken Starr who will look for crimes even where they don't exist. Fully investigate Blackwater, Haliburton, and Cheney's role in no bid contracts. Make the Republicans run for their lives! It is not a question of politics. It is a question of justice.
Without justice there can be no democracy.
Abu Ghraib,
Eric Holder,
The Murder Of Michael Jackson
Now the press has the murder suspect they fingered from the beginning. Dr. Conrad Murray, Michaels' own private drug dealer ( I mean Physician), prescribed Valium, Ativan, Versed, Lorazapan, Lidocaine, and finally propofol, just to get Michael to go to sleep! Imagine if the poor guy was sick?
He attempted to justify it by saying, "Michael demanded it". If he demanded opium and oxycontin would that have been provided? I guess for $150,000 per month the oath goes out the window. You know the one that says " first do no harm". Michael went to sleep alright, never to wake again. Even a fellow drug addict would have advised against mixing all the drugs he gave Michael.
Dr. Murray is not the only criminal here. The first doctor to write the script for propofol is just as guilty as the last one. Dr. Patsy was just renewing a script that Michael already had. Who wrote the original script? Probably some white dude. Even Michael's nurse knew the drug did not belong outside of a hospital.
I understand insomnia. I suffer from it myself. Michael would be alive today if someone had given him a big fat joint and a nice relaxing blowjob. He would have slept for hours, awaken refreshed, and continued to entertain his fans. The pharmaceutical companies have us all believing that legal drugs are the only cure for common maladies. That the more expensive the drug, the better it is.
Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Heath Ledger are the latest in a long line of entertainers that learned the hard way. Legal drugs will kill you just as sure as the illegal drugs. They just cost more.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Frank Talk At Last On Healthcare
Leave it to Barney Frank to tell it like it is. He has no fear of conservatives because they never voted for him in the first place. He has no fear of liberals because he lives his life in the open. Thank God for Barney Frank. I guess we need more gay leaders in the Senate to stand up to the morons, idiots, and racists that make up the Republican party.
It's interesting that the same "blue dog" democrats that rode Obama's coattails promising healthcare reform are now turning tail and siding with the republicans. I guess blood is thicker than water, even if the President is the water. The insurance companies must be funneling millions to their campaigns.
More Democrats need to stand up and close ranks behind Obama. Liberal voters must shout down the lunatics, or at least take the microphone. If they ask a stupid question, ask them where they got the information. If they quote something that is not in the bill, ask for a reference point. Don't just stand there with your thumb in your ass. Win the debate!
Thanks Barney. You make thinking people everywhere proud!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Black Candidate Recieves Death Threats In Germany
I think the heading for this story should be "Duh". Yes the Nazi party is alive and well in the Fatherland. What the hell made this idiot think that the country had changed that drastically in 60 years to allow his black ass to run for office? What is he doing in Germany in the first place? His talents and resources are sorely needed in Angola. The Germans will not protect him. They will stand around shaking their heads, thumbs in ass, as this idiot lies dead in the street.
There is a tradition in the south where Black people nod or speak to each other in passing, no matter how many we may pass in a day. We do that to remind each other that we are similarly situated here in America. That if anything happens, like a lynch mob breaking out or riot, that we are all together. We speak to remind each other to look out for one another.
This fool has no back-up. If he thinks the countryside will rally to his rescue when the shooting starts, he is sadly mistaken. He should run all right, run the hell out of dodge. It's better in the Bahamas!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
How Obama Can Win The Healthcare Debate
With thousands lining up for free healthcare in Los Angeles, the second largest city in the nation, why the hell are we having a debate? Most of the people lining up had insurance and still can't get adequate care. There are 47 million Americans with no healthcare. What is the debate about?
In a nutshell, MONEY! Tons of it.
The Republicans see this issue as a rallying cry. If Obama is defeated on this issue they can turn it into his Waterloo. A defeat on healthcare could result in momentum for the 2010 and 2012 elections. They could be back on top by claiming to be fiscally conservative. They protected Grandma from the "Death Panels" and saved the country from more big government. Hooray, Hooray, we saved the day. Keep that insurance lobby money coming!
The insurance companies don't want a public option as the country will find out they they have been overpaying for inadequate care for decades. The insurance companies would be exposed for the blood suckers they really are and soon go out of business. Goodbye huge bonuses. Goodbye yachts. Goodbye death panels.
Obama has proved that he is no Richard Nixon or Dick Cheney when it comes to killer instinct. This argument should not even be taking place. Heres why.
First. Obama should have turned Eric Holder loose on the Bush administration for war crimes regarding Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay. The Republicans would be so busy covering each others asses they could care less about healthcare. They may even use healthcare as a bargaining chip i.e. "don't prosecute us and we'll let you have anything you want.
Second. Obama should be pushing the hell out of the public option. Have his finance office come up with some figures for potential premiums under the public option so people can begin to compare coverages and prices. When people see that they could be potentially paying half the premiums for better coverage, argument over. No matter where the money comes from.
Third. Obama should emphasize that the same Republicans screaming about the cost said nothing about YOUR costs going up every year. Sometimes the rate increases were as much as 200% in some areas where competition is limited. He should also develop a chart with the cost of the Iraq war, which no Republican complained about, and the cost of healthcare. Then ask which we would rather have. We got nothing for the Iraq war, not even cheaper oil. At least we would get treatment for the Swine Flu.
Fourth. Obama must tell the next person that asks that there are no Death Panels but that he will put one together for the next person who asks that dumbass question.
Fifth. Keep showing the video of people lined up for free medical care from a group used to providing it for third world countries. Then ask if we still have the best system in the world.
death panels,
Town hall
The Black Panthers AND COINTELPRO, Then And Now
Deep thoughts from director Tommy Bunz.
It's funny looking back how the government used a covert program to tap the phones of American citizens, murder them, arrest them when excercising their rights, and place them in prison on trumped up charges, all in the name of national security. Sound familiar? Arabs and Muslims here in America and abroard are being subjected to the same tyranny the Black Panthers, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King and hundreds of other innocent Freedom Fighters. It never stopped, the target just shifted.
No individual was ever charged with a crime for the abuses under COINTELPRO. People had their lives ruined by false charges. Some had to leave the country to escape prison. Some were murdered in their sleep. Some were tortured, in plain sight ( ask Bobby Seale). The government never admitted responsibility or made any restitution to the affected individuals.
Muslims and Arabs have been subjected to the same treatment. They have been arrested without trial, shipped to foreign prisons to be tortured, had their phones tapped and business records scrutinized. Hell, they even made ass pyramids with prisoners and morally degraded them on camera. Just like fire hosing black folks on Sunday and bombing churches with little girls inside.
Think anyone will be charged for the abuses of power under Bush? My guess is hell no. If Nixon was able to avoid prosecution for COINTELPRO, Reagan and Bush for Iran/Contra, Abu Ghraib and phone tapping will be swept away like a booger on the floor. Hell, they were looking for Bin Laden for Christsakes!
There never has been a fair system of justice in this country. Why expect it now?
Abu Ghraib,
Black Panthers,
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Tribute To The Black Panther Party
We need heroes like this now. The Black Panther Party was not a gang of thugs hoodlums, and outlaws. they were a political party destroyed by the government because they represented the hopes and dreams of Black people.
After the Panthers were destroyed African-American youth turned to gangs for a sense of belonging, guidance, and leadership. This is exactly what the government wanted, now they can lock up all the Blacks and Hispanics as criminals. You never hear of raids on White gangs because they either wear business suits (mafia) or ride motorcycles (Hells Angles, Outlaws). The only Whites in prison are those truly heinous or too poor to afford good representation.
We need the Black Panther Party again. Not the ones who parade around screaming at white folks, but true Panthers. The kind that patroled the streets of Oakland monitoring the police. The kind that provided free breakfast for children so they could concentrate at school. The kind that marched on the state capital to protest new gun laws designed to leave them defenseless. The kind that provided free medical care. The kind that encouraged brothers in prison to become better people.
Huey P. Newton, Bobby Seale, H. Rap Brown, Eldridge Cleaver, and Angela Davis were my heroes growing up. No group of leaders have risen since their demise who could compete with their ferverent desire to improve the conditions of African people. We need them now more than ever.
Angela Davis,
Black Panther Party,
Bobby seale,
huey newton
Why Obama Must Lift The Cuban Embargo
A few thoughts from Brother Mumia as he rots in prison on death row. A true revolutionary, freedom fighter, and political prisoner.
The trade embargo on Cuba should be lifted, but is Obama too chicken shit to do so? We trade with communist regimes with far worst human rights records than Cuba. China, Vietnam, Taiwan, Myannmar, even Indonesia will lock your ass up for even thinking about criticizing the government, yet we trade with them. The Koreans, Japanese, Vietnamese, and Chinese have killed hundreds of thousands of Americans, yet we welcolme them into our country with open arms. Why the continued animosity towards Cuba?
Is it because they closed all the casinos, locked up the prostitutes, eliminated the graft and corruption? Or was it because they nationalized the phone companies, sugar conglomerates,and other businesses who were profiting while the people were uneducated, poor and without proper healthcare? Is it because they kicked the asses of the puppet army we sent to retake the island? Or maybe it was because they scared the living shit out of America by bringing in nuclear missles to protect themselves? Is it because they have political prisoners? Hell, ask Brother Peltier and Brother Mumia Abu-Jamal about being on death row or federal prison for life for their beliefs.
The answer is none of the above. We embargo the Cubans because the Cubans in Miami tell us to. They have willing allies in corrupt senators, the mafia, phone company lobbyists, sugar lobbyists and others who lost millions to the Cuban government when they were kicked out. Hell, 99% of Americans have no idea why the embargo is still in effect. If anyone stands up to protest, the Cuban Mafia howls in dissaproval. Since they all vote together, the politicians in Miami and throughout the state of Florida start shaking in their boots. They know re-election depends on the Cuban and Old White Folks vote. Everyone knows Old White Folks hate communists, even if they do get free healthcare.
Obama will do nothing in his first term to confirm to white folks that he is a socialist. Even if trading with Cuba would lift the recession it's too dangerous to consider. He will focus on healthcare, Afganistan, the economy, and ending the war in Iraq. Maybe at the end of his second term he will start the debate on Cuba. Then the incumbent President can blame the whole thing on Obama. Think of how many of our brothers and sisters will have sufferred in Cuba during the interim.
Obama must realize the Old White Folks will never like him so he may as well do as he pleases. Trading with Cuba benefits everyone and hurts no one. The Cuban exiles in this country are too young to have remembered the Cuban Revolution and would be a positive influence on the island if allowed to travel freely.
Fidel Castro has outlived Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, and Reagan and remained in power longer than Carter, both Bushes, and Bill Clinton. The man must be doing something right for no person can govern without the will of the people. His social programs and idelogy will live on long after he does. Can any President we have had in the last 50 years say the same?
Viva Fidel! Viva Fidel! Vivs Fidel!
Malcolm X And The March On Washington-Part 2
Sorry to leave you hanging
James baldwin,
malcolm X,
march on Washington,
Martin Luther King
Malcolm X And The March On Washington
Ok. I'm hooked on Malcolm for a sec. The quality that set Malcolm X apart from all others was his ability to tell the truth. No one challenged his facts or his sincerity. Even under withering questioning from reporters, students, scholars, and other African-American leaders, he never wavered in his conviction to the truth.
We should look to Malcolm X for leadership now more than ever.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Malcolm X-Prophet
Malcolm was so far ahead of his time he makes the rest of us look like cavemen. It's inspiring to look back and hear first hand the thoughts of a real revolutionary, visionary, and prophet.
As a kid growing up in Alabama, Malcolm did'nt get much TV or radio time. No speeches or appearances were televised. No reports in the local paper. Just a small two inch column in the paper when he died.
No statues or monuments exist for the greatest of all Black leaders. No holidays, parades, commemorations, nothing. His family did'nt capitalize on his image, writings, or tapes. Betty Shabazz died virtually penniless.
Thanks Brother Malcolm for reminding us of our true selves.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Leonard Peltier-Real Freedom Fighter
This weeks Real Freedom Fighter is Leonard Peltier.
Born September 12, 1944 in Grand Forks, North Dakota to Leo Peltier and Alvina Robideau. He spent his early years with his grand-parents on the Turtle Mountain Reservation and later joined the American Indian Movement. He was a participant when AIM went to assist the Oglala Lakota people on the Pine Ridge reservation in 1975.
On June 25, 1975 a shootout occurred between AIM members and FBI Agents Jack Coler and Ronald A. Williams resulting in the deaths of the two agents. Three AIM members were tried for murder in two seperate trials. Two members were acquitted based on self-defense, while Brother Peltier was the only person convicted.
Although promised clemency by Bill Clinton, he was denied in favor of crooked financier Mark Rich. In prison he has become a noted author, artist, and beloved grandfather. His last parole hearing was held on July 28, 2009. The board has 21 days to render a decision.
Yes Cuba, Iran, and North Korea, we do have political prisoners in the United States. The FBI and Justice Department waged war on the American Indian Movement, the Black Panther Party, and the Young Lords. Leonard Peltier is a victim of that war. He deserves our admiration, love and respect as a true Freedom Fighter.
You can lend your support by visiting his website at
Bill O'Reilly Vs Snoop Dog
In case you missed it, leave it to Snoop to let O'Rielly know where to get off.
Washington Post Calls Hillary "Mad Bitch"
These two morons were pulled from the Post's website after this gem. Sometimes white men just go too far in an attempt at comedy. How about a beer called "Stupid Junkie" for Rush Limbaugh or "Redneck Asshole" for Glen Beck, "Nightrider" for Jeff Sessions?
The wrath of womens' groups was swift, and the Clintons weren't too pleased either.
How about channeling some of that anger towards the Washington Redskins, Cleveland Indians, Kansas City Chiefs, and Atlanta Braves?
Monday, August 3, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Glen Beck-Asshole Of The Century!
I know its' early in the 21st century, but Glen Beck has already solidified his place as Asshole of the Century by calling the leader of the free world, a black man, a racist.
How in hell does this idiot keep his 30 million dollar job making statements like this? I know Fox News is racist, but keeping this nut on the air is advertisement for every klansman, nazi, and nut job to continue to watch. It further creates an environment where white folks think it is ok to hate the President, because he hates them, and therefore it's ok to make an attempt on his life. Stupid idiot!
Why the other commentators on the show did'nt rip him a new asshole is beyond me.
First of all, Blacks and Hispanics have no capacity for racism. It does not exist where we are concerned. Blacks, Hispanics, and Native people have never conducted genocide on whites, enslaved them, destroyed their families, placed them on reservations, lynched them. We never attempted to destroy white culture and language, place bounties on their heads, forbid them to vote, own land or testify in court. We don't drag whites behind pick-up trucks or arrest them in their homes without cause. These are the acts of racists.
Throughout history, these have been the acts of White Men. Not only must hatred exist in the racist, but the means to inflict hardship based on that hate.
Becks statement is so ludicrous it is not even worth arguing. I will however watch his next show for sponsors and start my own private boycott of those products. Join me.
Again, where are Jesse and Al when you need them. They have effectively abandoned the President and are spending time trying to get their hands on some Michael Jackson loot.
Know of a bigger asshole? Send in your vote!
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