Saturday, August 15, 2009

Why Obama Must Lift The Cuban Embargo

A few thoughts from Brother Mumia as he rots in prison on death row. A true revolutionary, freedom fighter, and political prisoner.

The trade embargo on Cuba should be lifted, but is Obama too chicken shit to do so? We trade with communist regimes with far worst human rights records than Cuba. China, Vietnam, Taiwan, Myannmar, even Indonesia will lock your ass up for even thinking about criticizing the government, yet we trade with them. The Koreans, Japanese, Vietnamese, and Chinese have killed hundreds of thousands of Americans, yet we welcolme them into our country with open arms. Why the continued animosity towards Cuba?

Is it because they closed all the casinos, locked up the prostitutes, eliminated the graft and corruption? Or was it because they nationalized the phone companies, sugar conglomerates,and other businesses who were profiting while the people were uneducated, poor and without proper healthcare? Is it because they kicked the asses of the puppet army we sent to retake the island? Or maybe it was because they scared the living shit out of America by bringing in nuclear missles to protect themselves? Is it because they have political prisoners? Hell, ask Brother Peltier and Brother Mumia Abu-Jamal about being on death row or federal prison for life for their beliefs.

The answer is none of the above. We embargo the Cubans because the Cubans in Miami tell us to. They have willing allies in corrupt senators, the mafia, phone company lobbyists, sugar lobbyists and others who lost millions to the Cuban government when they were kicked out. Hell, 99% of Americans have no idea why the embargo is still in effect. If anyone stands up to protest, the Cuban Mafia howls in dissaproval. Since they all vote together, the politicians in Miami and throughout the state of Florida start shaking in their boots. They know re-election depends on the Cuban and Old White Folks vote. Everyone knows Old White Folks hate communists, even if they do get free healthcare.

Obama will do nothing in his first term to confirm to white folks that he is a socialist. Even if trading with Cuba would lift the recession it's too dangerous to consider. He will focus on healthcare, Afganistan, the economy, and ending the war in Iraq. Maybe at the end of his second term he will start the debate on Cuba. Then the incumbent President can blame the whole thing on Obama. Think of how many of our brothers and sisters will have sufferred in Cuba during the interim.

Obama must realize the Old White Folks will never like him so he may as well do as he pleases. Trading with Cuba benefits everyone and hurts no one. The Cuban exiles in this country are too young to have remembered the Cuban Revolution and would be a positive influence on the island if allowed to travel freely.

Fidel Castro has outlived Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, and Reagan and remained in power longer than Carter, both Bushes, and Bill Clinton. The man must be doing something right for no person can govern without the will of the people. His social programs and idelogy will live on long after he does. Can any President we have had in the last 50 years say the same?

Viva Fidel! Viva Fidel! Vivs Fidel!

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