While I respect Ms. Cobell, how does $1,000 per person help lift an entire people out of poverty? If you are owed $137 billion, why not get it all?
I understand that 13 years is a long time to keep a lawsuit going, but, they were stealing land for 500 years!
Indians are easily screwed because their numbers are few. How do you thin they got to be so few? By systemic genocide, theft of land, and deprivation of culture. The same thing that is happening to Africans in the country today.
How much will we accept for reparations for 400 years of slavery, genocide, and dis-enfranchisement? Hopefully a lot more than a few billion dollars.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Stolen Haitian Children Were Not Orphans
Now it turns out that Dominican and Haitian officials told these modern day slavers posing as missionaries that they had no paperwork to take these so-called orphans out of the country. The slavers sent out fliers offerring to take kids to a better life in America. Poor, ignorant, Haitians showed up with their kids and handed them over after the missionaries yelled Jesus, Mary, and God a few times and swore to take good care of them.
These so-called missionaries were using religion to enslave Black people just like they did 500 years ago. Missionaries enslaved and murdered entire civilizations in the name of Christianity. They showed up in Africa and convinced the converts that it was ok to enslave the remaining savages. They showed up in America and enslaved or killed the Native people who refused to convert. Hundreds of thousands of Indian children were forced to abandon their culture and sent to Christian boarding schools to be mentally and sexually abused.
Now the Haitians, a spiritual people with enormous faith in Christian religions, are easy tagets for smooth talking evangalists offering food, water, shelter, or a better way of life. Add in a bribe or two for a notoriously corrupt police force, and you got yourself some child slaves for little more than the cost of a ream of paper. Those Haitian children would never have been seen or heard from again once they crossed the border. It would be as if they never existed.
Thank God the border guard didn't fall for their religious bullshit and listened to his inner voice when it told him that 33 Haitian kids leaving the country with a group of white folks with no paperwork just wasn't right.
I guess there really is a God after all.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Russel Means Speaks Out On Cobell Settlement
Real Freedom Fighter Russel Means is right on target about the paltry settlement offer of 1.6 Billion to settle Indian lawsuits regarding government mismanagement and outright theft of Indian funds.
The banks, AIG, and Goldman Sachs received over a trillion dollars in bailout money while stealing from the American taxpayer. The government steals over three quarters of a trillion dollars from Native people and offers to settle for a small fraction.
Greed and theft have always been rewarded in this country when perpetrated by the White man on a grand scale. Since the first white man set foot in the Western Hemisphere, theft, murder, enslavement, and greed have been the order of the day. Greed and theft are called capitalism. Anyone who speaks out against this heinous form of institutionalized greed is called names like communist, socialist, or anarchist. Never Freedom Fighter.
Thank you Russel for keeping it real.
cobbel lawsuit,
Russel Means,
Missionaries Charged With Trafficking Haitian Children
Look, I got me a Mandingo Pa! Really cheap! They were practically giving them away! Now I can train him to fetch, clean, and serve me. Hell, we can even sell the ugly ones out as laborers and the cute ones to child molesters!
Of course, everyone wants to believe the intentions of the missionaries were purely christian. If so, why did they not offer to take out any parents or adult relatives of the children? Why did they not have passports or any documentation?
These missionaries are modern day slave traders, nothing more. They sought to take advantage of the chaos and ignorance in Haiti and steal as many children as they wanted. These children could be brainwashed to believe anything while all records of their presence in the world vanishes with them.
Thank God for the border guard who at least had enough sense to ask basic questions like " where the fuck are you going with all those kids?"
These missionaries were not background checked, look like fanatics, and sent flyers throughout the communities least effected by the earthquake soliciting unwanted kids. What the fuck did they expect to happen when they showed up at the border with 33 kids?
They expected to take advantage of the chaos and drive right through and come back for more. Everyone seem to give the missionaries the benefit of doubt simply because they look like kind white folks. So did all of the Catholic priests that molested thousands. So did Jim Jones.
When will people learn that just because some white person shows up and claims to represent God, that they are to be obeyed without question? Hopefully the people of Haiti will not be so trusting with the future of their devastated nation.
Monday, February 1, 2010
US Policy On Haitian Earthquake Victims Turns Mobs Violent
As expected, chaos reigns on the streets of Haiti as victims scramble for food, water, shelter, and anything they can use for money in the wake of horrible devastation. When there are no basic facilities there are no such thing as looters, there are only victims looking to survive.
US policy so far is designed to keep the Haitians in Haiti at all costs. Hack off an arm or leg with a rusty saw, bandage them up with a bandage they can't change, and send them back to the rubble they came from. The Navy ships offshore are not only providing medical services, but, security as well for the white folks in Miami. The US policy is to do everything they can in Haiti to keep a flotilla of boat people leaving the island for the US for their very survival. The United States would look like real dicks turning away earthquake victims from Haiti while accepting Cuban traitors wanting a new flat screen television.
A nation that took in hundreds of thousands of vietnamese boat people after the war, thousands of Cubans, and millions of Mexicans can surely absorb a few dying Haitians.
The Republicans are already waiting to pounce if Obama, a Black President, lets in thousands Haitians. Republican Govenor Charlie Crist has already refused additional medical flights with victims from Haiti, requesting they be sent elsewhere due to a lack of resources. The total number of victims received in Florida Hospitals so far has only reached 500.
US puppet Rene Prevel looked like a mouse watching hungry lions seperated by a chicken-wire fence. Soon the lions, wolves, tigers, even chickens will destroy him and demand change while building rafts.
African and Carribean nations must embrace our brothers and sisters in Haiti as it is obvious the so called first world powers will not. Americans can sleep at night and feel good about themselves knowing that they sent a few bucks to the starving Haitians, not knowing why, or if it will ever reach it's intended victims. necesseties.
Ex-Presidents Clinton and Bush (the moron) were appointed to oversee the Haiti relief effort to accomplish two things. Get the Haitians any resources they need , short of bringing Haitians to America, and shield Obama from right wing attacks by people like Limbaugh and left wing meddlers like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.
In the meantime the Haitians scramble like rats for basic necessities of life while we watch from our air conditioned houses sipping iced tea and eating steak.
Barack Obama,
Bill Clinton,
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